Merry Christmas people’s so let’s watch one of my gifts
Also i’ve made the 100 club yay
The problem with now seeing so many films is which ones do you ask for for Christmas, see a struggle. So i got London Has Fallen & the Martian, happy days.
So as both mum & dad hadnt seen this & had enjoyed the first one, this was an obvious choice to watch on Christmas day. However now this film will always make me think of one thing when i watch it. That half way through all our phone went off with updates, which we all jut ignored, and then my sister phoned to see if my mum was okay, as George Michael had died. So we stopped watching as mum fell apart on the sofa. Bless her. We all did a little bit the rest of Christmas was filled with his Music in our house, & to a certain extent it still is now, even in March.
So London has Fallen is a typical American Action sequel where they destroy everything, theres a lot of blood & violence, & you know exactly where its going to go, but you still buy into it as you know the formula works.
I need to talk first about the scene where Butler goes to get the president back after the crash with the British bloke. How that didnt win an Oscar for cinematography i will never know. There is so much random shit explosions deaths cars people & smoke going on its mad, yet the camera never leave Butler or the action. If you see this film for one reason its for this 2 minute segment about half way through. Its just amazing.
I didnt know our air-raid sirens still worked in London thats news to me… & i wouldnt know what to do if they did go off. I think id run to the Jubilee line, thats the safest deepest part in london. That being said they did have a fight on the tube, that was cool.
The way they blow everything up in all these films is so mad, but i guess it could happen. All the glass flying out of Westminster was very cool, & we all know that would happen after someone on tv tried to recreate guy Fawkes plot. So very accurate in that respect.
I did feel sorry for Lynn when she died but you knew right there & then that everyone else was going to get out of it, & he was going to call his baby that.
Now the people with the drones blowing stuff up, i’ve watched Eye in the Sky, its not that straight forward you idiots. Its not just a click. Its lots of morals & stuff. Maybe watch this one first before Eye, otherwise this will then infuriate you, as it did my mum.
There was a little bit when the president was taken when i did believe he might die, he was never going to die on you tube but i thought his wounds would kill him or he will sacrifice himself for the good of london.
Why did no one in the met think to unlock the computer idiots. I know we are better than this come on guys.
Its a very solid action film with enough chases & jeopardy to not make you realize that you are watching an exact copy of the original. But now that he decided to delete his email of resignation im not sure where they can go from here. They’ve driven themselves into a bit of a hole there.