Right we’ve been all Sherlock on this to try & work the film out its either War on Everyone or Doctor Strange. It’s taken me & my sister a while to work this out. This is also the first on of these I’ve ever done so I’m very interested as to how this works.
So how this works is you pay £5 (or nothing except your normal monthly amount with limitless) get to the cinema on time have 5mins of advert & then the screen comes up & you wither stay & watch the film or walk out in disgust & moan on twitter.
So the 5mins of trailer, girl on a train… seriously i just watched this trailer wtf is going on leave me alone i will go to seethe bloody film.
The the accountant… i need to see this film it looks amazing (not just cos its my job either) it looks brilliant, looks like Affleck may finally be coming good.
So the suspense is over… WAR ON EVERYONE!
It was dark & twisted & not politically correct & violent & bloody & wrong on so many levels. I laughed lots & lots & lots & lots… & i really enjoyed it.
Only 2 people walked out of our three quarters full cinema which isnt bad, and i was leaving everyone in Brighton i heard, was saying the same as me.
Does a mime make a sound when you run him over,,, lets find out! When thats your opening film line you have my attention.
The bit in Iceland ( when you watch it you will get it) was so funny i was wiping tears away from my eyes.
The Mexican wrestling.
How much does he drink?!
The Wig
The ending could have been more fuller seemed felt a bit rushed was kinda what i was expecting but could have been done much better. Thats my main criticism .
Its one of those films that if you get the dark humour & mindlessness of it you will love it. It will not be for everyone, but seeing as Empire magazine have given in 4 stars makes me feel very happy that i really enjoyed it.
If you like dark humour & violence & buddy cops go see this peoples.
Bit gutted the next Unseen is when i have a home football game booooooooo.