y Friday reward for a very stressful & disappointing week at work & life. Bit of Odeon popcorn deals for limitless members 30% wahay.
I know it only came out on midnight on wednesday but it was almost 3/4 full in 2d & about the same in the 3d screening next door well done peoples.
Star Trek trailer looked amazing OMFG, poor Bones bless him. However im so bored of that independence day & ninja turtle adverts cant wait for them to actually be in the cinema so i dont have to suffer them any more.
It was a solid Xmen film, it took jokes at itself and the past, and it made things more interesting with where everything goes from now on.
Its in the trailer & poster so its not a spoiler but James McAvoy with no hair is really freaky and a bit odd. It kinda works though.
I now also believe that Fassbender is a good actor & i haven’t just been fooling myself for the last 6 years or so. I dont need convincing for Jennifer Lawrence though she is perfection.
Its going to suffer though being out at the same time as Civil War, its not on that scale, but its still solid.