i had the option to go see an advanced preview of this on valentines day, but the idea of being a ingle person at that made me go nope nope nope. So im seeing how quickly if i change my hours i can get to the movies today for the 5:10 showing of this. Turns out pretty quickly. So bring on the Thompson.
There wasnt many people in the cinema id say about 20 in total, a big group of 8 girlfriends at the start of their hen weekend was pretty cool.
Trailers, Missing (seen) the new Jennifer Saunders film (looks interesting) Book club 2(nope) & 80 for brady (looks cliché & boring)
& then the films started… i mean it was nice & sweet but it was just a little to meh at times. Not enough com to make it a rom com if you ask me. & the clichés were a little over the top at points.
Emma Thompson as always was the MVP. So stunning, perfect comedic timing. A really good modern mum figure. She was the perfect person to be in this film to add gravitas to it. Her attitudes to everyone & that she doesnt give a crap any more is very cool & of course when she gets high.
I worked out from one of the opening scenes as to what he last scene was going to be so much so that i kind of worked out how it was going to happen. so i was not shocked when it ended like that i was like oh okay. I mean we took an interesting way of getting there but it was always going to end up like that wasnt it. It did take them til half way through act 2 to realise what was going on, i mean it was obvious for the audience from the start.
There was one slight emotional bit at the end which i did hope the film would have the guts to do & then it did it & i was like yes brilliant. I was sure they were going to chicken out of it but no they didnt. woohoo. I mean that added to the cathartic ending of the film as well, so im glad they did.
This film almost moans at all us single people in our 30s like what hang on no no no. Dont you dare pop at us. We can see what your doing here even tho you say you arent but you so are.
She spends the whole film making a documentary & then we dont actually see it at the premier other than the bit we need to, to move the plot along & stop things like that. I know we saw it happen in real time, but it would have been nice to have seen it.
The modern telling of the fairy tales & how they show modern dating was a lot of fun. How the princess doesnt always get her happy ever after. It also calls men out for their bullshit too which i liked. I mean its not all men but it does prove a point & ive had so many friends who have been treated poorly that its just like yes show them up for this please. I know women can do this as well but still. Ive seen more cases in real life of it being men.
Once again in this film there was only one person who live a standard life. She lived on a bloody house boat & worked every now & then & yet could afford that kinda life in central london. Nah not happening in the real world sorry.
It was a sweet nice romantic film, but i wanted to feel a lot more emotions & feelings for this & laugh a lot more. Thompson makes it worth the watch for sure. It will be a nice film to put on as background noise once youve seen it for the first time.