I dont do horror. I know that, you know that, the internet knows that. However Jordan Peele is the man probably responsible for me going to see a few more horror films than i would. That being said i do watch most of it from behind my hands going oh god please dont freak me out quite so much please please please.
Screen 2 was pretty packed for this id say half full. Which considering its been out a week is pretty darn good. Although the group of 15 to 18 year olds in front of me i think need physiological therapy after watching it they were freaking out more than me. bless them. Also Odeons moon man jumps out at you before a horror film when it goes 3 2 1. I aint signed up for that, it can do one infact im complaining to them right now. Done lets see what they say.
Trailers we had Pet Sematary (nah), Some weird Mexican vampire thing with a kid in a bath tub (nah), Greta (strangely looking forward to that one) & then Hellboy which seemed a little out of place considering the rest were all pure horror.
& then the film started… & what a well crafted horror film that is. Oh My Day!!!
It was properly scary & vile & gruesome & really went for it in every respect of the genre. From the jump scares, the violence, the tension, the music, the appearance, the acting & the look of it all. It shouted at you i am a horror film & this is going to be bother the scariest & best 2 hours od your day & you are going to love us for it. & i did.
The family dynamics in this were just so good too. They really all did feel like they were a family & it wasnt a film, it was like watching an every day family. Being a family set up we also had some really funny moments too, which you did guess we were going to get but it did provide some light to such a dark film film, which probably added to the humanity of it. Some of the one liners in this film were amazing too.
You’ve all seen the trailer so you know there are to families, which really was the exact same actors which is huge kudos to all of them. there were moments for everyone in this film where you felt that no one was safe. I know it is Lupitas story, but wow her two performances are just stunning & really are both chilling & you just cant take your eyes off her at all. She is so captivating.
I liked the boat that was good. & trying to drive the car hahaha. & i like that it just kept going back to certain things it really did make you work for your enjoyment but in the best way possible.
One big issue for me i kinda worked out what had happened about an hour in & then went to myself nah that would be stupid thats to obvious they arent going to do that, & then they did so when we do get down to it i kinda felt oh man really. If you hadnt worked it out im sure its an amazing omg moment for you, & one that should be talked about going forward. Thats my fault for getting it to quickly not the films.
This is not for the fainthearted at all. It really will shake you to the bones & make you go cold & shudder with fear, but what a film it is. If you think your up for it go & see it & then come back to me & say WTF thats a bloody awesome film.