When three films on your Wishlist for the year all come out on the same weekend, well you book annual leave for that time dont you, so you have time to do other stuff as well as the cinema… & to start it all off we are off to the Dome to go see Mr Man of the Moment, Tom Holland & see if he can be Nate Drake & nail it.
It was sold out. I know screen 3 is their smallest but that i think is always good. So much so that when i got there, there was a couple in my seat & i said to them sorry you are in my seat its allocated here, so then they moved to the row in front & then they got moved from there, by the time it got to the start of the film they had moved 4 times & they were in a seat in row A & row D. Come on people the dome is always allocated seats, what are you playing at.
Trailers Batman (at last thank god for that {3h is long but i will still go}) Morbius (yes) The Bad Guys (prob not) & The Duke (extremely likely depends). There was also a weird disney plus advert where they talked over it say oh god thats a lot of stuff.
& then the film started… Im going to say before i start typing, ive never played the games, so im not sure how true it is to the actual source material, however the kids & their guardians who had the entire row behind me had a bloody good time & left going oh yes that was good, im guessing some of them have played the game. I also asked my dad about a couple of things & he was like ah okay yea that makes sense, so im guessing it was close enough.
Tom Holland really is the man of the moment right now, he can do no wrong, & he gives a solid performance as Nate. When he gets that holster i was like ahhh this is like when Lara picks up her 2 guns isnt it, thats the moment. There were some bits you could see he had done in spiderman films but he was so athletic & cool. It just worked.
Marky Mark was good as Sully. So weird that when i started getting into action films Marky Mark was the young guy & now hes the mentor character. God ive got old. The tash is in the trailer, & i know its the character staple piece however it doesnt suit him. He can skill kick it tho hes fab.
I like that we start with the plane sequence & then we go back to it 1h20 later to see why it happened. That was good. We also got different shoots of it too. Also it was nice not to have that as like the second to last scene of the film, which is what i was expecting from these kind of films, so that was good that we still had lots of film after wards. It is a really good stunt sequence too.
Theres a point on a beach during the film. Thats an easter egg right. I mean as someone whos not played the game, im guessing it was. It was too long to just be an extra wasnt it. If youve played the game please tell me that i am right.
I like that as well as chases & shoot outs & action set pieces we also did have puzzles to solve in the film. The number of times ive seen my dad play uncharted & go ahhh this isnt working as ive walked past & ive yelled something out & its worked for him, im glad that was included.
Antonio Banderas was good, but not enough of him & he wasnt scary enough. Shame i wanted more.
Lots of logos as the film started, which i was thinking in my head cinema sins are going to nail this one day & then someone in the screening actually went “what another logo how many more” give that person 5 house points.
I didnt see the twist coming, i know it was all back stabbing etc but still. & then i was angry at myself. I was like ive just invested in this & now were just going for the greed of all of this okay then. Was a little disappointed in it.
I know we had a lot of characters & information to give to people like me, but i picked up where we were going quite quickly, i mean i did most of that from the trailers, but it was almost 30mins before it really really got going after that plane sequence.
Some of the Map graphics to get from one place to another (not the ones in the museum or were old but for showing movement) yea they were rip off poor Indiana Jones, but were in 2022. The only film that should be allowed to do that is Indi.
There was a line which was something like whys it always nuns? i laughed a lot at that, im not ashamed to say that too. He had a point.
Also mid credit scene people stay in your seats.
It was a bloody good 2h action film & hit all the spots & had enough suspense & twists to make it good. again as someone whos not played the games, im not sure if ive got this right, but i bloody enjoyed & left with a smile. IT was also nice that it wasnt overly long too (lots of films have been doing that recently). I enjoyed it & so did the large group behind me, who were the target audience.