i love me a 5:50 horror film on a friday night at the cinema i really really do & this week well lets just say were going for one that should have twists but its given away in the trailer. Yep is time to see M.’s Trap. It looks good so im hopeful.
It was almost sold out my screening id say 80% which is good. I had 2 girls come & sit next to me who were late 20s & they also saw the sixth sense a few weeks ago to get in the mood for this so we chatted about that. It was mainly 18 to 45 year olds here for sure & also for a horror film mainly women which was good. Im guessing we are all thinking this would be what would happen at a swiftie show.
Trailers, Wicked, Blink Twice, See no evil, beetle juice & something else horror related, but for the life of me can i think of it no. & no its wasnt gladiator 2 i would have remembered that.
& then the film started… well the trailer might have spoilt it but it did still actually work.
So if youve lived under a rock for the last 3 months then spoiler. If not… well you know Josh Hartnett is the butcher serial killer. Me along with a lot of the internet were like why ruin that in like the films second of 4 trailers & show part of it as a preview 2 weeks before. Its taking away the drama. Okay to some extent it did, but it was so clever watching him work to try & get out & see how he was going to escape & get the girl out of the show & how he wasnt going to be arrested. You didnt want to root for him but you also kind of did want him to get out. So the tension was still there for the film. I was on the edge of my seat every time it looked like he was going to get caught.
That being said however, act 3, it let it down. Once they were out & it was then turning into another film & just got a bit generic. The stakes were not as high as the rest of the film. It just felt a little bit hollow. It felt all a little bit to safe for such an intense film. Yes shirtless Josh was nice obviously & that talk was clever but other than that, it just didnt have the same impact as the rest of the film.
Josh was very good. Im loving the early 00s actors all returning at the moment. ITs a very cool trend. His daughter was good too as a fan girl.
Now i dont know about all of you but when i got to a show, especially one like that, im not walking around on the concourse all the time. YEs he leaves the girl in her seat at some points but she also goes looking for him. You are there for the show, watch the bloody show &there were so many people still walking about so much. It got on my nerves.
The gig was done very well felt very much Taylor, Olivia vibes to it for sure. From the special guests to the girl being picked to the extra shows. It all felt very right & the girl who was the popstar had a decent voice & im glad she was involved a bit more than just being a singer.
That other mum he met. She pissed me off, so so much. She deserved to get put in her place for sure.
All these kids got time off school to go to a matinee show, lucky them.
Who gets a receipt for a concert anymore? Massive plot hole. Seriously. You lucky you even get an email confirmation in this day & age let alone a receipt. in the 80s & 90s yes but not in 2024.
I liked the mid credit scene, that was very very cool.
I loved the hiding in plain sight as well, just so clever & so obvious. Why did no one notice that at all.
This was a film which ended up being decent. The end let it down. If they had just kept it all at he concert it would have been better. I mean i had a feeling something would disappoint me from this film, i just thought it was the spoiler filled trailer, not the other things.