My inner child is so ready for some toy story get in get in get in. I am ready for this i think.
I was more than willing a few years ago to say goodbye to my childhood when Toy Story 3 came out & had an emotional breakdown so when i heard they were doing a 4th i was like what noooo we said goodbye it all ended happily ever after this is just money grabbing. & then you see the promo the press & the new voices & you go im in sign me up.
So here i am screen 1 at the Odeon the only odd one in a 50% full cinema at 4:45 on a friday afternoon. Its all familys which is fair enough, but there is no other odd ones anywhere. It is literally just me. Not sure if thats a good or bad thing.
Trailers we had Abominable (nah), Queens Corgi (whitehall yes), The Lion King (oh yes not that im ready for it yet), the brand new Frozen 2 trailer (cant let it go) & 2 other films but i cant remember what they were.
& before the film started no pixar short which was odd & also as Toy Story have replaced the moon man recently saying the film was starting there was a new moon man watching the old moon man who had the 3 2 1 & then had the title clapper screen reflected in his helmet, which then went to black & then showed you the screen. so cool.
& then the film started… It lived up to the hype & the press & the expectations & the impossibly brilliant tomatoes score people oh yes it did.
Dont ask me what happens in the last 5minutes of the film. I had an emotional breakdown. Were not talking like in Up or Endgame where mama still wants me to go & see someone due to the emotional turmoil of telling her, but its as close as were going to get i think to that. I cried a lot, an awful lot.
As much as its still Toy Story & is an ensemble piece, this is very much Woodys film & his self discovery journey. I mean theres nothing wrong with that at all but it does sometime feel that we dont see enough of some of our old favourites from the past. I mean a Tom Hanks film always gets a fuck ton of praise from me any how, but i think it suits the film to do this as well.
When everyone else is voicing it is good tho. Forkey is the new toy you sympathise for & he feels like hes been there forever. Then you have Bunny & Duckie, who are brilliant light relief every now & then. I love that Jordan Peele is petrified & scared & worried at one point thats brilliant. & then there is Duke Caboom. Reeves is the in man right now & he is nailing it & loving every second. I need more Caboom in my life i want to watch his back story & everything to do with him on disney plus right now. Make it happen disney & they you can take my money.
As always some epic jokes & one liners for all & then some for adults that go straight over the kids heads. & one joke that i full on laughed at & then you forget about & then end end credits you get more & its amazing & i was the only person still in screen 1 at this point but i was laughing at it still. Mid mini end & pixar end credits are worth staying for. Oh yea!
I found an actual full on easter egg that i wasnt expecting but i found it & i was so proud of myself & then it made me emotional & then nearly cry. Come back to me when you’ve seen it & we can discus this.
Considering i was worried about this just being a money grabber & being made for the sake of it, it still felt like old Toy Story of 1995. It made me want to go home & look through my roof & find all my old toys & apologise to them, which is what it should do.
Its a truly stunning piece of work, & the perfect way to say goodbye to your childhood & the toys that got you to this point. Your Kids will love it & you will feel emotionally drained & proud of what you have been apart of in a small way.
Thankyou Toy Story for being there for me, to infinity & beyond.