Considering this time last year i hadnt seen the original Top Gun film, this has come a long way to me being really hyped to see this, but thats where we are. Lets do this Tom. I am hyped for this & im seeing it in Screen X too.
This is all but sole out, & i say that because the first 3 rows of screen x are empty & the rest are all full. Theres no one under the age of 25 here, its 25 to 70 year olds here. & there is a buzz in the room, not just for the film, but the fact that as weve all got here everyones found out both The Mandalorian season 3 & the Last of us are being released in the same month next year & also tomorrow is Kenobi day so there is an awful lot of star wars chat here. A guy has just walked past me & said to his dad & his brother that he thinks the Mandalorian is rubbish, to which the people in the row behind actually said to him out. I did give him a glare. Dont you shit on Din. We all laughed when they said out.
yea & when it ended someone a couple of rows away went we all up for time travelling now & we all laughed & went yes. It looks so good. I mean putting that on there is preaching to the converted but still. Its going to be epic, thats why it was my number one pick for this year. Now thats scary it was number one pick for this year, it might not even make top 5 for next year… ahhhh thats how stacked next year is already looking & we are only in May.
Im digressing here im so sorry
& then the film started…. So its exactly a week as i write this main part up after i went to see this & i have actually convinced my parents to come & see it with me for my second trip on saturday, so i was very tempted not to post this until then, but i just want to so here we go (Parents stop reading here)…
This is the closest this year i have so far gotten to hitting that golden buzzer. Belfast might have been standing ovation & applauding ready, but this, this is how you make a blockbuster film properly & you do it with dignity & style & you honour the original & make it current & fresh. This is how you do it.
Tom has still got it. I did tick off all the Tom things he does in the film. I think im missing one. He even runs… IN SNOW! NO ONE FUCKING RUNS IN SNOW! Seriously mate.
watching those planes fly all around you in screen x was amazing, it worked so much better than Potter did in Screen X, it just felt right & it was so cool & fab, there was one point where we all did duck & go woooo.
Danger Zone was used thank god for that, also the replacement for the Volleyball scene had One Republic singing & then Lady Gaga did the Ballard, brilliant.
Even if he wasnt in charge of that plane, but was put in the plane, it nailed it. You felt like you were in the jet with him & flying everywhere, it was amazing & felt really intense.
All of Act 3 is epic & is soooooooooooooo good. One of the best Act 3’s of an action film since No Way Home. Properly stressful but fun & had real soul to it.
There were some nice surprises along the way, one that i thought wouldnt actually appear until they did & then it was just like yes mate. Loved that.
It helps to have seen the original, but theres enough flashbacks & info in it that you dont need to have done so. Its very clever like that. In fact this is the perfect nostalgia revival, well defiantly the best weve had in the last 5 years or so. It drew on the 80s perfectly (& acknowledged Tom has actually aged {that is a first}) but made it current, but didnt shit on the original & wasnt just made for the sake of it or money or merch or to inspire the next generation. IT just hit the nail & got it right in every respect.
& i am going to stop typing… or i will say too much…
Please go see Top Gun Maverick people, you will not regret it. It is an amazing movie & has started off the summer blockbusters in an epic way. There are films that will not reach this level of coolness & soul & fun & stress this year that should. The Bar is set stupendously high.
yea this hand is hoovering over that buzzer.