Welcome to Cinema Club 2023 peoples & what a way to start the year, but with an Unlimited Advanced Screening ekkkkkkkkkkkkk & yes lets do it on a bank holiday too wooohoooo & im not dying from a hangover too wooohooo.
Screen 8 id say has got about 30 people in it to see Till, which hasnt been well advertised if im honest. Id say its people a little older than me late 30s to there 50s. There is one guy who talked through all the trailers who someone had a go at, before the film started. Mate its the new year chill out.
Trailers, Plane (maybe), Empire of Light (booked) A Man Called Otto (booked) Oppenheimer new one (yes) & Babylon (yes) but what made me freak out the most today. Pedro Pascal as Joel Miller advertising the Last of Us… AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH SO CLOSE NOW!
& then the film started… Its awards bate 100% but this isnt for the faint hearted oh god no.
So this is a real story you can all go google it & go oh god, so i knew it was about racism & discrimination & the horrendous justice system in America back then (ahem). But i was not prepared for one of the shots in this film. 4 people actually left the cinema they were so horrified by it & so like no not for me nope nope. But thats the point. This bloody happens. Sit there & watch the bloody film, theres an important message to it. Life not fucking fair sometime.
It was very well acted. Danielle was a brilliant convincing leading lady & i wouldnt be shocked if come mid february shes up for an oscar for her role. However from the majority of the cast there was a lot of crying scenes, which given the subject matter makes an awful lot of sense. However for everyone to wail & over act there tears like that was all a little bit much. It got to one person who looked like they werent going to & then did & i was like oh come on seriously. I didnt need everyone to do it. Okay i get im not a parent, but still, nah. Too much at points.
Films like this make me ashamed to be a white person at times. There were bits i was watching going oh god no. Are there really people like that out there (& some still are) & its so bad. Why should anyone be treated any differently at all. Weve all got one shoot on this rock lets all just be nice & kind & treat everyone with respect. I apologise for any ancestors.
The costume & design of the 1950s was so beautiful & felt like i had gone back in time. I also like the difference from the south to the city & how it was vibrant & accepting in one place & closed & a bit darker in the other.
The whole trial was harrowing. I just felt so angry watching certain comments & the way people were treated.
It was a very slow burn by the time we got to the trial i felt like id been there for about 3 hours but it had only really been an hour 15 & i was like really were only that far in. & then the film went on 10mins to long anyhow. I do understand why we had that last 10mins but there was an iconic inspirational moment it could have ended before that, which i thought was much more fitting. For a long film, which should cover a lot of ground it got bogged down in itself at times.
It is well worth a watch, for you to make sure your ready for award season, its going to get nominations for sure. Its also a very good history lesson & the lessons the world should have learnt by now but hasnt in some places unfortunately. Its a hard watch at points but it is really worth it.