Annual leave baby woohooo lets start it off with a trip to the cinema on a thursday night. Time to go see George & Julia do what they do best, have genuine chemistry, in Ticket to Paradise.
Theres quite a few people here for the 8pm showing. Like i would say this is 80% full. A couple have come & sat next to me & then asked if i was okay & then when i said oh im here alone, they started asking me if the unlimited card is worth it. Had a good 3 min chat with them about it too & if they do more than 2 films a month it pays for itself & they were like oooh normally 2 films every 6 weeks… so i tried to help them.
The cinema had mainly people 30 to 60 years old in it, lets be honest its the millennials & their parents who watched all the classic rom coms & George & Julia in the late 90s early 00s who were here for it. So yea the target audience entirely.
Trailers Oppenheimer, Mrs Harris, Emily, The Lost King, & for the last time Dont Worry Darling (tomorrow my love, tomorrow). A good little mis that.
& then the film started… So i kind of went into this thinking it was going to be 100% crap & a waste of time… oh how wrong was i…
People moan at us millennials for not appreciating Rom Coms anymore & not going to see them & thats because we were spoiled in the late 90s early 00s, we had Notting Hill, Bridget Jones, Princess Diary’s just to name a few. They were all so good & just ticked the boxes. & anything from 2010 onwards has been okay, but never that good… until today. It hit all the clichés & it had the correct set up & you knew how it was going to end, but did that matter no, because you had a bloody good time watching it. & also there was funny stuff that wasnt included in the trailer, which is now what tends to happen these days, all the fun youve already seen.
George & Julia have still got it on their own & as a couple. Seriously absolutely amazing, at no time did the bickering feel false & then when they had their tender moments, it was beautiful. At the end of the day they were there for their daughter & both truly loved her so much they would do anything for her.
Theres a bar scene at the end of act one which is really good between George & Billie which is really good. I love that & really enjoyed it. I learnt more about all the people in this film in that 5mins that ive done in some MCU or DCEU films for an entire set of movies. It was well don & so clever & had me welling up a bit.
I shed one tear at the end of the film, as i thought nah they are just going to do one thing & then when they did what we all wanted was smiling so much that the second one dropped & y eyes stung. Now thats a good romcom, even tho you know how its going to end it still gets to you at the end. Brilliant.
The scenery in this film is lush & beautiful & not Hawaii. I did cull go home & google to check that this wasnt actually filmed in Hawaii as i thought that was the in joke. nah it wasnt.
Both Lilys finance & Julias boyfriend were brilliant in the film for different reasons. I loved that, especially Julias. He wasnt in it long, but you didnt hate him & you wished him well despite everything. You actually felt sorry for him at the end of it all. All those surprises.
Now who here plays or has ever played beer pong? Dont lie to me peoples i know you have. Im pretty darn good at it, my issue is my bestie is queen of it, so i always lose to here, but can beat anyone else easily. Now usually films get drinking games so wrong but this one, nailed it. & did it with something stronger than beer (yes i know there was only water in those cups) but it was played out brilliantly & when the base line drops on their fave songs & they just then go ooh hang on ill be back in 2 mins & then have a dance off… i bloody love it. That is the sort of film representation i want peoples. More every day stuff like that please.
Bloopers in the end credits & additional bits… oh yes… i missed those. Didnt realise i missed them but i did.
It also looked like everyone in this film had a good time making it from the leads, small supporting & extras. Everyone just looked like they were enjoying their work. They knew they were in a fun film & were loving every second of it.
This film is the perfect escapism & had me properly laughing & smiling throughout.
So i can now no longer sit here & go they dont make proper Rom Coms anymore, because they have & this is proof they can do it. So the rest of the cinema world, if you can make a film like this every 3 years or so, i would really appreciate it just to prove that you can.
This is a bloody good night out peoples, go see this. please & agree that this is a proper Rom Com. Clichés & everything.