Friday night straight after work for horror movies is obviously my jam, & this week its not different. Its time to watch The Watchers, which from the trailers i am sure is going to be a good psychological thriller.
There was about 30 people in my screening with me, yea people clearly like to go to horror late at night dont they. Not me. The drive home at 10pm & then to try & calm down to go to sleep is sometimes a bit much. IT was mainly millennials. One group of teens walked in. Im not sure they were over 15, but they did get in.
Trailers, Trap, Maxxine (apparently i need to watch a fuck ton of these films before this one), Quiet place day one, Some weird one which is a guy walking around killing people in like first person & the weird one with Hallie Berry tied to a house. I think that was it trailer wise.
& then the film started… I got bored.
Im sorry i got bored. This is an intense 93min horror film which should have loads of twists & to keep me on the edge of my seat the entire time. I kept looking at my watch going how much bloody longer is this film going to go on for. It did nothing for me at all.
There were 3 jump scares & the only one which had me like ahh was bloody crows. The monsters when they were eventually revealed werent scary either, it was like what the fuck. They wanted the effect the first quiet place film had, but no. There was no mystery to not seeing them at the start & then when they were revealed, it was just thats the best you can come up with seriously. I mean i get that monsters are what we all think in our head, but there was nothing scary about them at all. Even when they bloody watched.
That pet bird who never ever even got to the bloody zoo or pet shop or where it was going had very good comical timing for sure.
Dakota was good, but she was trying her hardest with a poor script & other actors who had no chemistry & even when stuff went wrong & they had to panic, they were just like meh. It wasnt good. She tried but no one at all went along with her. Also no one sold her flat or went to hunt for her in that time she was missing?
I saw the twist coming a mile off. There was one saving grace to act 3 though which if yovue seen it will be like ahhh okay yes. It made sense kind of. But i did just sit there for the majority of act 3 going ooooh come on end this film already & then when it didnt & i thought it was the end & i looked at my watch i was like stop dragging this out please.
This film from the trailer had potential to be really good & much with your head & make you think, but in the end it was disappointing, it wasnt scary, it was drawn out & the twist you could see coming from a mile away.
& trust me im trying to get into horror i really am but this was just MEH.