Friday night straight after work, straight to the cinema, why not. a 5pm film is the perfect way to start the long weekend. The first of so many bank holiday weekends to come in the next few weeks (& the one we dont have off we need for a hangover typical).
I am lowering the average age of this screening, there i no one here other than me who is under the age of 55 im sure. I know im not a spring chicken anymore, but still. I am lowering the age. Everyone is in couples too.
Trailers book club 2 (nope) an odd film with Nick Jonas in, a film about the take that musical & something else that was a book. So not the best set of trailers in the world.
& then the film started… & i hate to say it but i was a little bit disappointed.
I was expecting this to be so emotional & for me to be a blubbering mess, but i welled up twice & the only time i felt really emotional was something linked to a dog. I was so up for evil pure heartbreak, but no it didnt hit me like that. Every time i tried to pull on my heart strings i was thinking it was going to go for it & make me a mess. It wasnt even clichés that stopped it. IT just didnt hit me there. I felt cheated out of a good cry.
I get the message the film was trying to tell us & that you shouldnt give up on hope & keep on keeping on but by the 5th time of that being said i was like anything else. Yes keep faith in people but yea it just started to fall a little flat by that point.
It just didnt have the power or tenacity to kick you in the balls or punch you in the feels when it needed too. It needed more conviction. Even in the heart-breaking back story flash backs we saw, i just sat there & felt a little limp, but not shock or sitting here going oh god. It just missed the mark a few time which hurt. & if it had hit the mark it would have made the ending even more satisfying Yea even the painful tragedies werent painful enough.
Jim was brilliant, which lets be honest, the man always does deliver. But ive seen him in better films than this for sure. His Penelopes performances were not enough to save the film though, im afraid to say. I mean the people they met along the way made sense, but it wasnt anyone enough that you felt a connection. Oh except the guy at the train station but then he was referenced again so much later in the film i was like hang on whos this guy… oh yea hes the train guy.
The way the band wagon was jumped on & how TV & social media followed the story when it made progress made sense. It was sweet to start with but i was just like okay can he just get on now please. It needs to happen, we spent to long dealing with that side of it.
If im honest when we get to the year end sum up, im pretty sure im going to have forgotten i watched this film. IT was sweet & a nice idea & had good intentions, but i was not emotionally involved & i felt i missed out on some of the spirit of the movie without that connection.