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Saturday Morning Cinema again for me. My washing on the line already desperately hoping i will get home just before it rains to get it in, but other than that its a nice day for a drive over the downs to go to Brighton before everyone descends to the beach to see a film. So lets go see James Gunns The Suicide Squad before any Americans ruin it with spoilers next week. I did get home before it rained tho, it didnt start till about 4pm.

I have a new favourite cinema seat L13 at screen 2 of cineworld. Ok its not that corner seat at my old odeon which i now cant get to, or E1 at my local cinemas screen 3 with the carpeted wall, but its almost bang central, its not quite the back row & it also seems to have more leg room that the row behind & in front so im feeling it.

about 30 people to see this film on a saturday morning at 11am. I mean the queue outside for the 2pm was already that long when i left so thats saying a lot. People are going to see this film. Lots of teenagers whod been dropped into the marina for a weekend of fun but also lots of people my age there to see it who swathe first & love James Gunn. No one over the age of 50 there.

Trailers just the two, No Time to Die, which looks so cool & good & i cant wait to see it, its going to be epic, protect Ben at all costs. & then it was The Last Night in Soho, the new Edgar Wright film. Ive only before then seen the trailer on my phone & was like yea thats cool & then i saw it on that big a screen & was like, i am in this looks so much grander on that scale a screen wow. Bring it on.

& then the film started… So when i saw the original version 5 years ago i came out & said its re-watchable but isnt epic… that has now been proved by how mad & crazy & cool this one is & just puts it in its place. WOW! How to save a franchise…

So the film has the tag line dont get to familiar with them, & its called The Suicide Squad so you know some people & characters arent going to last or are going to die. Some were fun, some you didnt care & some shocked you. But there was one death ( i will let you all tell me which you think it was when youve seen it) that my whole cinema to a person actually all gasped & went NO! out loud at. Seriously i know he was given range to kill off but still. That was a huge shock & it cant be rectified & they got that wrong. Thats my main criticism with it. I mean it got a reaction from all of us in the room but still. No you shouldnt have done that James, sorry.

Its Margot’s best performance since I,Tonya & her best Harley. I was watching her going go girl yes yes yes nail it kick arse. She wasnt just there to be ditsy & wear short shorts. She kicked arse & i loved that good on you girl, my kinda madness. Joels’ Rick Flag felt a much more important character & less of a wet rag than last time, felt much more like he belonged & wasnt just brought in.

All of the cast bounced of each other so much more too overall. Rivalries & one up-man-ship just hit strong & it felt more like a dysfunctional family than the first film which was trying to be so much & just couldnt cope. Idris is the glue & he is good.

There were some really good set pieces along the way. The stunts & how it all happened & some of the shots & cinematography were really good & classy & you just sat there going yeah this is a James Gunn film hehe. & you just sat back & felt in safe hands knowing you were in safe hands & it would kick off & be epic & funny at the same time. I laughed a lot especially at the Shark, bloody love that shark.

Actually stealing the show is Sebastian. Once youve seen it come & speak to me & you will agree.

John Cena in a fight is always a good sight to see. Hes not a complete actor yet, hes still got a way to go but compared to that F9 film hes better in this then he was that. He put on some proper good wrestling bits at times & i was just like yea go for it mate. He should of hit him with the chair.

How it introduced stuff & next parts with the word & the random flash backs or forwards was brilliant i liked that, what a cool funny way to do it especially the one with the fire as the third act starts.

There is a scene before the credits & there is an end credit scene too people so stay.

Even when people appeared for like 2minutes of the film, at no point did it feel like they were just there to be apart of the film, no matter how small the part, it felt like it was apart of something much bigger.

I laughed & was shocked & had a bloody good time & it was bloody delightful. & i recommend you all go & see it so then we can have a conversation about that death & the film as a whole. You will all come out of it smiling & realising how bad that first film really was.

James Gunn saves the day & comic book films once again. As Standard now.

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