Another advanced preview time & this time its for The Son. The film that is clearly awards bate, but isnt actually that goes, because i think Jackman has bee up for 2 awards & thats about it which is a shame. So yea lets do this on a Thursday… but of a difference to Magic Mike last night hey.
ITs pretty packed here which im very glad to see i really am. Considering this hasnt been well advertised at all, seeing it with all these people at is good. Id say its between 25 to 55 year olds here. That being said the 2 people behind me are both in there teens for sure.
Trailers Missing(which is weird because ive seen it already) Women Talking (yes) 65 (yes but i tried to not watch it) Whats love got to do with it( maybe) & Champions (looks interesting maybe).
& then the film started… Why is this film not up for more at award season? Seriously people why isnt it?!
I cried a lot, right at the end. I was really hacked off because i thought the film had a definite ending about 10mins before it actually did & i was angry that it kept going. I really was. I was sat in my seat fuming at the movie going why why why. & then the emotional guy punch happened & it hit so fucking hard. & i cried for a while & was still wiping away a stray tear as i left the building.
Hugh Jackman, how hes not up for at least a Bafta, baffles me. It really does. We dont often see men in movies have a mental health moment or a break down or for them to admit they arent okay, but he did. & the fact that he will do anything for his kid & to try & understand says the world. & to watch that Kitchen floor reset (even though its not in a kitchen) is such compelling viewing. It was sublime. It hit home a lot. It proves that its okay not to be okay & that you do sometime just need a little bit of help in your life. Its so moving.
Dern & Kirby were also so good in this. Both of them bringing different quality’s & needs to the role they played & the relationship with everyone. They so worked. However, it is now getting boring that every film brings in Anthony Hopkins to get more awards buzz. Please stop. Please Please Stop! Its getting really samey now. Let the man be.
I loved how this filmed dealt with mental health issues & also how it didnt deal with them. Thats the point. Your mental health is just as important as your actual health & all you need to say to someone is when your ready im here. & they may never be ready or may never want your help or be past that point, but thats all you can ever be. Just be there for them if & when the time comes. I had a friend last year who was all quiet & then bang once day a message out of the blue spilling everything & i was up & around there in 10mins (they live near me) but it was what she needed. & i love that this film shows what happens when you do & dont listen. & that arguments about this doesnt always help. Conflict isnt the answer. All the conversations be it you oaky or the information you learn is good. Whatever you are doing, you are doing the best you can for you & those around you.
The flash backs were good, i was expecting a lot more but i was actually grateful that there wasnt too many. IT made them all the more precious & hopeful & more joyful because that would be what you remembered.
Theres a dance scene in it, thats good, thats very much like normal life to then show that actually it isnt. So well captured those little moments like that in this film.
I knew it was coming the moment. There was something about the way they talked & alluded to little things that you knew it was going to happen. & i felt helpless as a viewer knowing there was nothing i could do to stop it at all. Maybe its because i watch too many films & pick up on bits but i the second i saw it coming i did go oh no.
It is a little cliché at point, but it goes to the side where usually these sort of films dont take you, which im very grateful for especially with the hospital scene.
& i dont want to talk or type about this anymore, id really like you all to go & watch this film & be ruined by the end of act 3 which wasnt a waste of 15mins of my life for once, they were right to keep the film going & make me cry uncontrollably. Beautiful & heart breaking… why isnt this or at least Jackman & Kirby not up for awards this year?