Oscar season starts right now ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh
yep we are at that time of the year time to start viewing Oscar hopefuls even though I am completely biased this year & don’t actually for once give a shit about that (we don’t get said film to January :)) but time to watch a foreign language film. This is going to be interesting.
Oh god im turning into that kinda film snob where im excited to see a foreign film that ive never heard of before ahhhhhh
trailers we had the farewell, a film about modern Britain by Ken loach, Judy Garland & Downton Abbey. Odd bunch of I’m honest
there were 6 other people in screen 6 with me for a while I did think it was just going to be me & that was going to be i
& then the film started… Wow
It didnt bother me with the subtitles or that it was all in French & Croatian a few times. It worked. & if a story is good it should translate no matter what language its it, you should connect to it & this i really did & found it so lovely.
I helps with a based on a real story film that you dont know any of the actors in it, mainly because they are all french, but it just makes what you are watching a bit more believable & a bit more support than when its a Hemsworth playing an underdog if you get me . You know its all going to be okay for Chris, Liam or Luke, here i had genuine concern & it helped me to invest in the story unfolding.
I like that fact that they did use some homophobia in it to prove a point about it. In Brighton our Pride is one of the best in the world & people come from everywhere to embrace our life styles & the LGBTQ comunity has always been accepted. We pride ourselves on our pride. So to see every side of it in this film was refreshing. The over campness in parts, the bullying, the slurs, the culture, it did cover every basis & wasnt afraid to tackle it. Some people will say the end is a bit much, but thats the point of it, because it had to be to show people for what they really were.
It kicked you in the balls every now & then & made you get emotional especially with somethings where you thought it was going to be one thing that ruined it & then it was something else. When it hit hard you knew it.
Some brilliant one liners in it that translated well & were just hilarious.
At times it did get a little bit predictable, but i just wanted to yell at the screen no dont go safe now. It did rescue itself from this but every now & then it went back the the cliche.
It had good heart & soul to it as well. You can really tell when a film has been made to tell a story or message, & also when films are mae to just to be apart of award season. This was made with passion.
I didnt cry i thought i might but i didnt, which surprised me. I was properly on this emotional road trip on a sightseeing bus with them, but nah when it came to it i just got emotional & no tears came.
This is a good film, if you come across it at some point in the future & you want something sweet but has the balls to say i am what i am, then this is the film for you. Well worth a search for on your streaming service this time next year.