Advanced Preview time. I love these i really do. & today ive just got a good vibe about this. I have a feeling the The Phantom of the Open is going to be rather special & one of those films thats just going to be life affirming. So im here cineworld, take me on an adventure.
Id say a third full. I mean everyone still watching Batman arent they. But it was mainly couples & only a few millennials ( i wasnt the only millennial or odd one) proper mix of people. I think people just want a nice story dont they.
Trailers Downton (no) The Lost City (yes) Operation Mincemeat (someone else waved hello to Jason Isaacs while i was there but they had left before i moved at the end of the film so i didnt get a chance to say hi) Fantastic beast (yes) & Nan the movie (i was going to say no but they i found out 20% of the money made goes to comic relief so yes).
& then the film started… Perfect.
I mean i could just put that & then leave but thats not fair is it on you all who have waited for my opinion. It was the exact film that i needed.
with all underdog stories i had prepped my inner self that i was likely to cry at the end, (defiantly well up) & i was getting all emotional before the end & then he said that metaphor about Tea & sugar (& im angry at myself for not remembering it entirely) but i sat there & ugly cried at his pride & everyone around him & it just hit me & made me blub. My eyes were stinging for my entire drive home. Yea it was bloody lovely & exactly what my soul needed.
Mark Rylance is a bloody star. He is perfect casting. i mean we all know he can so the emotional trip & pull at the heart strings, but this is a comedy, & he nailed the one liners & the delivery & he was a triumph. I mean when isnt he, but it was a really really solid performance.
The rest of the supporting cast were epic, be in Sally, Rhys & even Simon Farnaby. Everyone just deliver & was really enjoying making the film & proud of what they were creating. Even the dog looked like he was having fun.
It is not a sports film despite it being about Golf. I mean even if you know nothing about Golf you will enjoy this as its more than just that, although a golf buggy chase is bloody good fun & hilarious half way through.
I like the fact (kind of spoiler) that the first open tournament he takes part in is bang splat in the middle of the film. You know they could have just had that for the end & then joked about him being other players going forward. But i liked that, it meant we got more of his life & cult status afterwards.
I hope he did actually meet Seve, because that was a lovely moment & i felt my heart lift even more at that moment. It also helps with the underdog story &the message of if you dont try then you never know what will happen. There was king Seve & then there was Maurice… opposite ends, treating each other as equals. It doenst matter where you come from what the worst thats going to happen.
There were some other lovely life lessons & morals along the way too, not always the best of ones too. Sometimes was just like oh mate no not now dont do this to me. But it proves that sometimes life doesnt quite work out the way we thought it would which is okay. It wasnt all sunshine & rainbow but it was full of love, hope & pride & does anything else matter after that? Nope!
Usually a real life story film like this i would moan about the dream scape & the imaginary fantasy bit in it, but it was always about reaching for the stars & that in his mind he could achieve whatever & it just worked. It would be the kid of dream you would have.
So you can all go & see the Phantom of the Open on 18 March. If anyone wants some company, i am more than happy to go with you all again & again. Cinema is nailing the heartfelt underdog adversity story at the moment & i am loving it, & the Phantom of the Open is the perfect example of it. It was a comforting hug of a film that me my laugh smile & cry.
This is a contender for film of the year, absolutely.