Will January ever end… seriously its going on for what feels like a year, but cinema trips in between are helping. So Iannucci comedy should help sort this out if im honest, i am so up for this. Its going to be magical.
Screen 8 at 4:40 on a friday is a little odd & so were the number of people in there. A proper odd bunch of people, its really hard to try & group them too. Id say there was about 30 people there tho for this.
Trailers, Richard Jewell, Emma, Military Wives, Queen & Slim & Harley Quinn. I mean whos going to go & see all those films (probably me) but thats a right weird bunch to put together.
& then the film started…. Oh man…
I need to confess before i start with this that as a Child having to read Dickens was not the most enjoyable experience of my life.I didnt enjoy it or really relate to anything really other than a christmas carol. The rest of it i didnt care for too much. But im always interested to watch it & learn from it. So maybe that was my problem with it.
Iannucci i love, i really do. I grew up watching partridge so was really interested to see how his style would change this & make it better & engaging. Unfortunately the two worlds colliding dont actually work at all. They fight against each other & counteract & it just feels like a proper mishmash & it doesn’t suit it.
I think because there were so many bold & iconic actors in this film with there little quirks as well that they just all really want to get there point across & steel the show. Yea it doesnt work.
That being said Dev Patel is just brilliant & properly is the glue that holds everything together in every. Peter & Ben were brilliant too, Ben arcs especially. But who stole the show from all these hollywood A Listers… Daisy May Cooper from this country was the best person in this film & had the best character & whenever she was on the screen everything made sense. She just owned it & i loved every second of it.
I kept looking at Steerforth going i fuckign know him i know him. Hes Gibson from Dunkirk. ahhhhhhhhhh how did i not get hat sooner
Can i live in that Boat house? it is amazing like the coolest place in the world. It was just full of love & happiness & was the place that felt the most right in the entire film.
The kite with your thoughts, wow, most poignant & honest part of the film & i loved it & i wish that could actually help & happen in the real world. Imagine if i said that to my boss.
But other than that i dont have much positive to say. It was not well paced, it was mismatched & i didnt really enjoy watching it. It was just too busy fighting itself.
I appreciate what was tried to be shown & portrayed, but i just think this film wasnt for me.