Advanced screening time. I mean its this or watch Dune 2 again (saving that for Imax in a few weeks time) so i am looking forward to this. The trailer seems rather funny & cool, this should be a good comedy.
There’s a lot of people in the screening for this which is always a good sign. Mainly people my age so im hopeful that we are going to have a blast. Also people of this ethnicity too, which is who the target audience really is.
Trailers, Drive away Dolls (so soon but we arent getting an advanced preview boo), monster (ive now booked this advanced preview up looks interesting) Ghost busters (probably) &the new godzilla (maybe depends.
& then the film started… once again i am victim to a miss sold film, what i saw was okay but it wasnt the film i was expecting at all.
The trailers & poster i had seen for this film had shown this as a rolling on the floor laughing comedy about mid 2000s life gone weird & odd & made it look much more of a fun film then it actually was. All of the funny bits except 2 moments happen in the trailer. I was disappointed that this was it.
However the story it did tell was tragic & important & was all about acceptance, being you be an immigrant or a woman in a mans world or being a member of the LGBTQ+ community & how opinions have changed over the years. It was so important & dramatic & maybe because its show in the trailers & press as a fun film, people who wont usually see this might go & see it. But i wish the trailer was more honest & explained it was so culturally different. I did enjoy it but i was sitting there waiting for money funny moments to happen.
The flash backs were weird & out of order & at points you forgot about the actual main film that were were watching. Especially with the last one. I mean it was important & powerful, but when most of the rest of them had been in small chunks this one was like hang on & then for it to be told all sorts of different ways, it was like oh okay & then did it help them not really the resentment was still technically there & it just made the ending even more awkward. It just didnt seem coherent. Tell me about one persons life, then the next one & then the one afterwards. Dont jump all over the place movie please.
There were some poignant point where it missed a few marks. For example both of her mums flashbacks felt weird. Why were we all made to hate this woman for the first 40 mins of the film & then resent her & then have to feel for her? It should have been in the other order, it would have explained her feeling a lot more but no it didnt do that. So when the redemption happened i hadnt felt sorry for her for long enough that i cared that she got a moment of peace & clarity.
This film is a classic case of people just not talking to each other or if they do talk actually listening to others. It was like erm hang on dont we need to go over this. A couple of therapy sessions would have helped too.
I left the cinema frustrated with this film. I get that it wasnt a barrel of laughs but its narrative was too all over the place for you to care or actually feel anything to much. It was just a bit boring & average. Yea this isnt one to tell people to go & see because even the bits that are important, just lacked substance & the emotional punch you needed.