why my cineworld isnt showing this i have no idea. They’ve advertised it too, but im already half way to crawley to see my sister, so this on a saturday at 12:50 is perfect for me. A bit of shopping first & then some movie magic.
I lowered the average age. Im not deny that. Id say most people were at least 60. I felt a little bit awkward walking in there with my Eras tour bucket of popcorn which i purchased. but oh well (it counted as my lunch okay) & sitting there eating that, watching a serious movie.
Trailers, Napoleon (yes) flower moon (yes) a new film with Tomasina MAckenzie (looked good) & something else but i cant remember what it was. my bad.
& then the film started… for a film that was all about god, it didnt shove it down your throat.
Yea i have seen so many films this year & in recent years where it shoves god down your throat so much. I am not a woman of god but i understand faith is very important to people & i am more than happy to hear their opinions on it as long as they dont go to far & try to convert me. & considering this film was all about people seeking forgiveness or hoping for a miracle from god & it being extremely catholic in a time when religion in the region was such a touchy subject (oh by the way i know it still is dont worry). But considering all of that, it actually wasnt all like becomes religious, become catholic. I mean even talking about the percentage of miracles was a good thing & proveda point. Also looking at how the region has & hasnt changed shows whats happened since. But also peoples opinions on other things too, such as abortions & attitudes about women & their places, that says a lot. IT shows how far some of the world has come but also shows how much further there is to still go.
There were a lot of fall outs & heart break & lack of trust in this film & that was so well acted by everyone in it. It hurt at points you really felt everyone was being tested & some of the ways they dealt with it or didnt apologise says a lot. But that is what would have happened at the time.It got very emotional raw & dark at points. It really did.
How does Maggie Smith look younger now then she did in 2001? how? she is a witch.
All 4 of the female leads were so good. All different struggles & lots of deep talking to each other. It was brilliant. Especially Laura. I loved her.
It felt like the kind of pilgrimage people would do today, where they either do love the whole experience or are skeptical about it all, but everyone learns something on the way. Its not often you get life morals & lessons for a demographic of viewers of over 55 but this one did. There was a woman in the row behind me having a bit of a cry at one point bless her. I mean i get it was emotional but that much. Oh well.
The baths for the miracles… crazy but would so be the case.
It was just a sweet well acted. It was the perfect chill for a saturday afternoon. nice kind & very 1960s. Exactly what i needed today.