Its time & its been written off my angry men even before its been previewed, much like the first. So lets see if The Marvels can deliver. The last of my big 5 for the year as Dunes been delayed (but woohoo the strikes are now over). Lets go.
Today is also the last day of Loki, which i watched before leaving for this so ive had a cry already. I hope this doesnt make me cry.
8:50 was my screening time & its been on all day at my cineworld for opening day. But it was still half full there was also a 9:30 showing later. But im still impressed. Older teenagers with their parents & us millennials. We are the people staying up late for Carol, Monica & Kamala. I am now regretting the timing of this showing as my car needs to go to the garage tomorrow morning at by 8am.
Trailers, Wonka, Fall Guy, Wish, Ferrari, Dune & Aquaman ( i completely forgot we were Aquamaning still {really?yes i did & also just a really at it})
& then the film started… This was never going to be exceptional. Mainly because Captain Marvel is my favourite MCU film of all-time, so this was never going to get near it. But it was still bloody fun & did exactly what it said on the tin.
This was a 3 female lead MCU film where they have to get their powers & skills together & team up to face a villain who has a grudge while random MCU shizz goes on & we visit different planets. So what we all expect. & i got all of that. I left the cinema smiling after a good time.
Brie is always so good as Carol. I love her. I would walk over hot coals for that woman. She owns the role & is so blunt & to the point throughout. It just works. She is a credit to have in the MCU & if shes going to lead the avengers soon, its going to be incredible & we are going to be graced with brilliance.
There was not enough Zawe. She was good, but her villain arch felt rushed at points & it was like hang on i need to know a little bit more about her & the Cree issue. We glossed over that a little bit. I needed to know more from that, to understand her more. By going after all that was held dear & important was brilliant. We just needed her to get a few more grips to it to make her evil.
Samuel L Jackson went back to being soft Fury. Did secret Invasion teach him nothing. He went back to being just a side kick again, but damn some of it was a lot of fun.
The other two Marvels are good & the film works best when the three of them fight together & share a screen. It is still all about Carol but it works with the other two as well as they learn & except that they are better as a team for sure.
Bloody Flerkens… Goose is still the OG though. Proper legend & everyones reaction to them is always so funny.
It over all did feel rushed, like hardly any skull time or in the singing world (i loved that place that was pure MCU craziness) maybe 10 to 15 mins more would have helped give us a more evil villain & talk about a few other bits. The surprises had been kept quiet so i was glad i avoided those spoilers. I mean i did see it opening day have it muted & watched loki then went to it. So that was a bloody good idea. Maybe the haters hating mean less spoilers… woohoo. I did miss Ben though.
Question which MCU earth are we on? Ive lost it now with where i am. Especially after Loki & this mentioned different ones on the same day.
The credit scene, i was not expecting & i left with my jaw on the floor.
I had a lot of fun watching it & i really enjoyed this film. I laughed i was wowed. It was a fun story about how your all better as a team then just fighting on your own. The set pieces were cool. Yea it was rushed but it was solid. There are much worse super hero films than this for sure.
Right i didnt mean to post this so late (ive watched so many films & lifes been busy) but i now need to rant to the haters of this.
You haters can fuck off.
I know im just a woman with no opinion so you believe, but Captain Marvel inspires me.
YEs we have super hero fatigue at the moment for sure, but youve hated Brie from the moment she was announced. Youve all wanted her to fail.
If this was in phase 1 of the MCU or 2 youd all just accept it. Ive seen ironman 2 & 3 & the first cap film & the first 2 thor films & the incredible hulk. You all just were happy with them & now your hating on this. It above some of them. Miles ahead of recent Ant man & eternals. You just cant cope.
The MCU is in a crisis i get that, with legal issues & not knowing what to do now there next master plan is a little bit fucked, but you have no right to take it out on this movie. It is not crap. It delivers on the fun, the space, the fights & the belonging. Yes it gets cliché but all super hero films do.
Please just funking grow up & just say you didnt like it instead of ranting about it being crap. ITS NOT FUCKING CRAP! Man up & grow some balls because Brie Larson has bigger balls than some of you tosspots. & dont you dare say how can the MCU put out there best & worse thing on the same day. No im not standing for that. Urgh!!!!!!
Sorry rant over i had to get this in writing though. The hate for Brie & Captain Marvel always makes me mad, shes my girl & i had a bloody goof fun time with this film.