How to start of the Easter weekend properly. Well you basically rush your colleague out of the office so you can get in the car to get to central Brighton before 5:40 to get to a 5:50 showing of the lost city before the traffic gets mad. Thats what you sis, well its what i did. Yep 3 trips in 5 days i am doing & 2 of those are in the space of 18hours. So lets start off the long weekend with some Channing Tatum.
I did walk into my screening at bang on 5:50, perfect timing (notes to self i can do that a 5:40 would be pushing it). Id say quite a few teenagers & their parents or just them on their own for this. Other than that it was people my age either as ones or as a mini group (no more than 4) & mostly female because you know… we are the target audience. Id say also about 40% full, which considering it was also showing at 6:30 & more in the evening is still pretty good. Everyone had the same idea as me.
Trailers Unbearable weight (yes), Top gun (yes), Elvis (yes), downton (no) & dr strange (yes) so everything big coming up in the next 6 weeks basically.
& then the film started… oh this had so much potential to be the big cool thing right now & it just didnt hit those moments at all, im so upset at at.
It started so well too. It went for it & it was brilliant & you thought yes come on lets keep this going. IT then lost its way. Then it tried to be serious, then goofy then funny & then weird & then tried to send a powerful message for part of act 3 which just missed the mark after all we had been through & then fizzled out. It really did.
By putting Brad Pitt in the trailer makes his sudden appearance as help not so much a shock just like a oh okay hes here now. Imagine not putting that in the trailer, we would have all lost our shit at that moment & the way it was done, could you imagine the cinema buzz & excitement that omg Brad Pitt is in this film, but nah to get people into the cinema they put him on the poster & the trailers.
Channing is giving his all & working the model dork perfectly. Okay yes lets be honest when he takes his clothes off in the film we all get a little bit closer to the edge of our seats dont we, thats what we are here to see. But he is acting his arse off he really really is. & whats he getting back from Bullock even when her character is meant to be excited & enjoying her time doing all this, fuck all. She is clearly in it for the money & isnt putting anything into this, which is a shame when the guy shes acting opposite to is being like this could work we could get a franchise out of this. Even when shes translating the writing or leading the adventure or coming up with the plans, shes just not bothered at all & that bugs me.
Channing can still dance by the way, thats worth the money to spend on this film, it is. Thats about it but still.
Radcliffe is good, but we tend to forget about him & spend more time with his henchmen than with him so his threats at points do just feel a little like really. We dont spend long enough with him to detest him & make him a true villain. I just dont see him as being the evil when he does certain things to them.
So your making a film for millennials with leads they will all know & with a really cool comic rescue mission, & you can pick any song in the world for this sequence. So why the hell do you pick the Nick Cave song which is the Peaky fucking blinders theme?!?!? SERIOUSLY WHY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Especially when its literally just finished (im on season 5 give me time peoples) but the head shaking & the tutting in a room full of brits who have all been watching Cillian give it his all for 10 years isnt a good move. Im sure there was a lot of good stuff happening in that scene, but i was to confused in my head even tho it wasnt 1920s Birmingham, thinking where Arthur hed have sorted all this out. Also for you finale dont pick Honey by Mariah, when Ryan Reynolds & Free Guy made it cool again last year. Nope bad choices of music.
So im all up for characters having movie banter & going back & forth just to get a couple of good one liners in it. but when a film does that back & forth-ing after something random has happened a few to many quips long, it feels a little awkward & when it gets to the 4th or 7th time in the film where this happens, its becomes boring & predictable & just not worth it. You cant all be deadpool & have the last line or quip.
There were some points where i was just waiting for a joke to happen & it didnt & i was just like film you set yourself up for it there & it just didnt go there.
Did we need the publicist journey & her mum & the goat, no not really.
Some nice forest over head shoots, that was nice, but some of the beautiful places like the water fall & the actual bays & places like that we dont spend enough time in them & they were actually either real or crafter well ( i dont mean the place in act 3 by the way).
Mid credit scene wasnt needed & just confused things even more.
It wanted to be a new romcom action adventure & yes it was an adventure & i did laugh, but it could have been so much better. The stakes never felt that high & i just wanted it to be so much more than it actually was.
Its worth a watch for Channing & some of the scenery shots & some of the jokes, but other than that, its worth waiting until this is on netflix in about a years time & get your girls round & open the prosecco. Thats where this film lands in the grand scheme of things.