This is it…This is the one… its time… Ariel is my disney princess… so this to me is the one ive waited for but im also worried about. I dont want them to fuck about with it… its my disney film shes my girl. Please dont fuck me over disney i need this to make me want to hit a golden buzzer… & nothing else will do…
So as i now work near the cinema & can get there early from work, i saw the 5:20 showing… on the first day of half term on opening day (because i couldnt fucking wait any longer) 1 problem… families & little kids… no no no. I mean i get it i really do but i dont want kids running around a cinema i am not up for that no no no. It was mainly families & little kids, but there were a few odd ones & couples who were millennials who were here for the film. Which was nice.
Trailers, Barbie, Elementals, Spidervers(that is not a kids film) & i cant remember what the other film was.
& then the film started… i cant hit the golden buzzer… not yet… its tempting… very tempting…
Its going to actually be hard not to spoil this i know the original so well &i think all of you do so im sorry (im saying this now ive written the review afterwards because i do at one point which is early on)
Im going to save my little mermaid story for when i review it on DVD okay, you dont need that on here, you need a cinema club review.
I cried, 4 times.
Part of your world
Triton coming back
Triton realising he has to help her
Thank you father
Blubbering mess completely, completely over whelmed. So much so that my sister saw her singing it at the premier & sent me the link going this will make you cry & i replied with, yes girl it did make me fall apart in the film no doubt it will.
Where it changed & updated things, it made complete sense. I love that his daughters represent the 7 oceans, which is they they are all different looks. The fact that when shes on land she sings in her head but nothing comes out of her mouth & the grand finale, that change was so good. They kept it true to the original, but it helped. The new songs worked so well with the old ones too, including the scuttle bug. Im glad we didnt have the Sebastien food song, but just his humility of trying to escape the kitchen.
The iconic little mermaid moments they got right, the lagoon, the rocks, the hair flip, the reach of the hand. It all just brought goosebumps to my body in the right way. I felt like a little kid watching it all over again for the first time. It just worked so well.
The moment that made me & the couple sitting 3 seats along from me go awww, was when Jodie Benson handed her a Dinglehopper… Perfect. What a way to pass the torch. I loved it, it had to happen.
Melissa & Javier will probably both get globe nominations for there portrayals of Ursula & Triton. Both kept it true & at points i forgot that Javier wasnt the animated Triton, it was so spot on. That epic fan casting did get it right all those years ago. Im very happy they both bossed it.
Flotsam & Jetsam were very creepy but i loved them. Little kids were a bit scared of them though & Ursula especially when she took her boss form.
The way they changed kiss the girls lyrics were so clever, so its about consent is good, also how he works out her name too.
Halle was phenomenal, considering the moaning that part of the internet had for her before she even got going. & Jonah was good too, more to him then just hunting for the girl too. Im also now very glad this wasnt given to Harry, im not sure i could have coped with little kids watching this & Styles fans too. I mean i get that i am a Harry fan but no that would have been to much especially when he was shirtless.
Under the Sea is still an absolute banger. What a song that is.
Im so glad everyone was in it from the original too & the morals it gave the film about your parents knowing whats best but you must be willing to learn from your own mistakes along the way to discover yourself, perfect for little kids. It was so much more than mermaid seduces human.
I just bloody loved every second of it. I have no shame in that. 3 year old me was very happy with it & 33 year old me fell in love with it all over again.
Its too early to hit a golden buzzer, it really really is, but its so tempting. I think i need a second watch to make sure it wasnt just me being over emotional about watching it…