4 days at work 4 film trips… why not… lots of review to type up tho so apologies if this is late on here oh well.
Monday means its time for some comedy & a film that looks like it should have no problem making me laugh my socks off. Bring on a heist con artist film… what could possibly go wrong.
Screen 2 was about half full. Everyone more ales between about 20 & 50 in age mainly late 30s but still a good balance of ages. Something for everyone i think.
Trailers we had Aladdin, Rocketman, Booksmart & Men in Black. All of which i will probably go & see in the next few weeks (have no idea when Booksmart is out here in the UK but i will be seeing it).
& then the film started… i wrote the start of this reviews opening lines while waiting for said film to start. All wide-eyed & hopeful that this was going to be something special. How wrong was i to hope for so much.
It was not a funny film at all. I think i laughed once & i think it was because something was so awkward & not funny at all & didnt actually make sense. & it wasnt like i was the only one not getting the joke, i didnt hear meany chuckles from the rest of the cinema either. Thats how bad it was. & you know its directed by a comedian make it more funny Chris come on.
Maybe i should talk about the bit i liked a bit more. The end of the film. No not because it was the end but because it gave the film a twist & a bit more potential to be like oh yea were onto something this is going to be good what are we doing now, im into this… & then it said 6 months later. Oh for fuck sake you finally make this an interesting watch but you are now ending it mehhhhhhhhh to you.
There were some little side bits & other set ups that we just didnt need or went on way to long which added nothing to the film or potential plot really we dont need all of the sisters bit nah get rid of that. Oh just get rid of the whole fucking film please. (its making me angry type now not a good sign).
The focus of the film was completely all over the place & lacked any direction with other random people or bits thrown in. Do we really need to know she has a pet newt thing when its not mentioned or used again or in danger.
Not one bit of acting was good, bad accents from all who were putting them on or changing them just awkward.
It slut shamed some men that was quite nice for a change.
Other than that this film failed on every single level it wasnt funny it wasnt a heist or it was nt powerful & it was just bad.
Avoid like the plague my lovlies even if when its on sky cinema & you come home from the pub at 2am its not worth it.