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Monday Monday off to work from a busy weekend & then the cinema… oh yea let’s do 4 films in 8 days people including the dark tower from last week.

Cinema was half full I’d say pretty good random mix of ages to the couple behind me were in there 50s it was like my mum taking a friend to see it.

Trailers we had Detroit oh my god Friday is nearly here, Logan luck oh my god Friday is nearly here (need to decide which on I’m going to first) & then the uncharted video game trailer & then geo storm which look shit & crap but I do think I need to see it just to upset my sister.

In Kingsman Samuel L Jacksons favourite line is this ain’t that kinda movie brov… think that apply to this film too. It was mad & hilarious & there was a point where I was wiping away the tears from laughing so much right now typing this I’m having a little giggle.

Ryan Reynolds now has the market for action hero funny tell it how it is bad/good guy. No one does it like him & this kinda proves it. He’s on form he’s on point & he just nails it absolutely nails it. He finally found his role in the acting world.

& Samuel L Jackson just does what he does does enjoys being a bit of an idiot who laughs all the time & Mucks things up in his films.

& that bromance rivalry works it really does it shouldn’t but it does. At no point do I think there actors some of the crazy stuff they do to each other & everyone else is what we all do with our friend just without the murders & bodies & violence & a few less mother fuckers.

It’s a good story too it’s not just killing people for the sake of it there a job that got to be done so they have to do it no matter what it takes.

The flash backs are well used & at one point when they re mention one the whole cinema went awwwwww bless them.

Oh almost forgot Gary Oldman was in it nailing it too he’s only in it for about 15 mins in total but oh yea the mans still got it. Bring on Churchill & those Oscars if he’s giving that good a performance in this one how good is his winston going to be.

Some of the car chases were bourne levels of crazy & the explosions for no real reason ha.

Seriously this is a very funny film & yes im sure both have done better work, but if you really want a good laugh at the cinema this year, & dont mind some mother fuckers being shouted every 8th word this is defiantly the film for you. The funniest film of the year so far.

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