Today was my last day at work. Friday 6 October. I start my new job on monday. Its a side ways step but it needs to be done. So im at the cinema straight afterwards, a mcflurry in hand off to see the new Sir Michael Caine movie.
For opening day it was half full which was pretty good. I was one of the youngest people in my screening though.
Trailers, wonker, the miracle club & 2 more that i cant remember but we didnt have many adverts at all which was really nice. OOOh the hopkins saving the kids film that was one of them.
& then the film started… & it was so so sweet & adorable.
It always helps when its set & filmed in a place near you. That is always good & also a really recent story too. That also makes you so interested. You sat there looking at it going yep i moan when cyclists dont use the cycle lane in that part of town. You just relate to it so much more.
I knew i was gonna cry. Its a very sad emotional story anyhow but putting Michael Caine looking so old & emotional. Well it ruins me every time it really does. & it is one hell of a sight. That broke me. There were other parts that broke me to & i was wondering if i had brought enough tissues with me. Especially in the bar scene, that was perfect. It showed how important it was to everyone. I loved that.
I also loved all the staff & the care home. They were amazing. Its so how that would have gone down. Also the different attitude to what happened & the care home set up its so how it is down here.
Caine as always was fantastic & Jackson(bless her) she was so good too. I loved her a proper goer. A proper old lady who didnt care anymore. She was fab. I wish she had just hung on a few more months to see all the good responses to her performance.
The flash backs were really well used. It made sure it was a war film & made you feel for them, but it was used sporadically & at points where the film needed it. It also made it much more as a film than just a long tv episode, by showing the horrors of war & how they were all just expected to die & not come back from the beach. From the man & waiting wifes perspective.
The way the media was reflected & how it all became a bit of a publicity stunt was so true of the time. He was on tv for a good month after his exploits & run to france, i loved it. It did show that the media are sometime little bit to much.
The golden hour… looking over the dyke… awwwwwwwwwwwww the whole cinema went aww at that which was nice, because weve all seen how good that looks.
There were points where i was sitting there going this has been added for dramatic effect but its not actually all that. It was dragging on a little bit. but the run time was spot on at 93 mins. Any more & id have been like oh okay.
It was just a really nice sweet film about a local legend who became global news for a few weeks. Everyone from sussex like me should watch this to get home nostalgia.
Since i went to the cinema Sir Michael Caine has announce that this is his last film. So in honour of the great man id like to finish with the protagonists quote from Tenet. Thank you Sir Michael. What a legend.