Not sure when my next cinema trip will be after this a busy couple of weeks coming up at home but im still hoping to hit that 100 mark by the end of the year. Fingers Crossed. So were going to see two legends of the screen Miren & McKellen. Bring it on.
Screen 2 friday afternoon no one else in there when i walked in my seat, the best one in the whole building empty. Thank you very much Odeon thank you indeed. Happy days. Overall id say about 25 other people joined me i think i was the youngest person in there too.
Trailers we had The Report(yes) Le Man (done) Cats (yes) & some little obscure film that no one’s heard of called JOJO RABBIT!!!!!!!!!!!!! Seriously i will go mad like this every time the trailers on its not very often but i seriously cant wait for it… The countdown is on to January 3rd. I’ve got money on you Taika you can do this.
& then the film started… oh & it was good, it was very very good people. Why is this not being advertised more or on people’s radar? I guess that means its my little secret but still…
One downer im going to say & i think you should know about this before you see the film because i didn’t know & i was kinda taken aback by it when we got to it. As much as it does eventually makes sense, did we really need to suddenly get all world war 2 & Nazi’s & the war for this film & start having random flashbacks? It just suddenly felt completely out of place, there hadnt really been any inkling at all that we were going this way at all & suddenly bam world war 2 film. Maybe bam is the right word for it but thats what it felt like. I know im hyped to see another world war 2 film coming out in 56 days at the time of watching (but whos counting {me i am}) but i know well i think i know what im getting with that. It was almost as if this film needed to make you believe in the characters more by giving them this. It didnt need it & felt false. Sorry wrong choice film.
Mirren & McKellen are both so strong & brilliant & amazing & you watch them both bounce & flow off each other & it is a real joy to watch. But it is Russell Tovey who steals the show. I mean he has always been a brilliant actor, but this he was up there with them just proving he could throw those punches as well & i was just sitting there going go on Russell nail it & he did. Very proud of him. He will still always be Fingers though.
You know theres twists to come throughout this film thats kinda the point that you dont know whats happening & in hindsight things do make sense, but more importantly you dont know how or when we are twisting. You get there about a third of the time on each one but theres always something you didnt take for account or miss & i was just sitting there guessing on the edge of my seat going ohhhhhhhhhhh tell me more.
Theres a bit on the tube that i didnt see coming that was so brilliant i fucking loved it. Its properly oh my god no but i loved every second of it. So clever. Im sure when you all see this & it happens you will go oh wow.
There were some points where you properly felt sad for people & wanted to know how this was going to affect them, you didnt get emotional but you felt what they were going through. I think thats the real power of good acting that you can feel that with them.
I did laugh some of the side comments & reactions & the final up yourse were just oh yes & properly made you laugh & smile at it.
It was a proper drama played out by some of the country’s best actors which you should really take seriously people. The names draw you in but when you watch it, it becomes so much more than what it is, even with the small bit where you go hang on what film am i watching again.
Its almost perfection & if you have 106inutes free & its still on at your cinema go watch it, you will not regret it.