Oh Oscar Season, its third film in two days time. Am i going to survive all of this, with so much more to come & a possibility of winning tickets to the London Film Festival this weekend (please let me win please please please not that im sure i could cope if i won the prize i really want). But yeah were now onto the one that had so much hope then people watched it & went mehhhh. Time for the Goldfinch.
What a run from the office that was at 5pm to get to screen 4. I got there during the trailers so had to walk up all those steps in complete darkness so could really see how many people were in there. My seat was still there tho hehe.
Trailers we had Knives Out, Sorry for Missing you, 1917 & the Official Secrets act one with Matt Smith that looked a bit odd, but im up for it be interesting to see where that goes & leaves it off if im honest. I grew up through all that.
& then the film started… I know the book i well talked about & hyped over, i hope that its more beautiful than the film.
I wanted alot more answers to things i wanted to know than i got & then was made to feel inadequate that i even wanted to ask those questions in the first place, which is really how you want a film to treat you.
There was no stand out performance even when they were kids in the film, you just sat there & felt okay is someone going to give me an emotion or a moment to talk about to people in a minute were building up to this come on & then you go nothing. Sarah Paulson was the only one to give you anything like that at all, but was on screen so little & wasnt that important that it didnt matter when she did. Felt missed, would have been better if shed been cast in the kidman role. Everyone in it just felt like they were just in a film for the hell of it & treading water & doing there lines. There was no soul in this film which should of been all about it.
The bit which was the real ending was far to rushed & all over the place & just really awkward to watch. It was so disjointed & you just sat there going hang on 4 seconds ago we did this & now we are here what the hell. It was just oh man. So uninteresting.
However the actual last scene of the entire film was the best scene of the entire film & it was beautiful & inspiring & you just though yeah now what are you going to show me next film… & then it ended. Bollocks to that, dont go giving me hope to then end it.
I so wanted to be gripped moved & inspired by this film but apart from the last 5 minutes i wasnt. I really was meh & i hope i dont have to hear about it again. I read one persons review who said it would be more entertaining watching a pigeon trying to get out of a box room for 149 minutes… i think they were right.