So its only 6th January & i am already doing back to back films whoop. All of this for secret cinema peoples. I do really want to see The Gentleman though, Richie must be on a roll with a few films in less than 12 months so lets do this.
I am in screen one, to see this film which is an 18. There is a kid here in the cinema who doesnt even look 15. Well his parents had better be ready to explain a few things to him. I guess if you know your kid you know what they can watch & cope with. Other than that id say theres about 50 people in here for this which isnt bad.
Trailers… Richard Jewell, Queen & Slim, 1917 & Bombshell. I am looking forward to the next set of trailers which arent for award season soon. They will all turn up soon wont they.
& then the film started… Now that was very interesting way of telling a story.
Forewarning i know i swear in these review sometimes but there will be some use of words which are said in the film, which i dont like saying allowed, but i need to say it so please dont block me or report me. Blame Guy Richie for it. Thats your warning peoples…
Is there a world record for the number of times the word cunt is used in a film? If there is i will be surprised if it isnt for this film. I tried to keep count of them but got to 10 really quickly & gave up on it. A few times it was unnecessary but i would say for the majority of the film most of the cunts were worthy of there place in it. Some in hate, some as a noun, some as a verb & some in comedy. Again the majority worked & had a full effect. Apologies again for that.
It really was a very interesting way to tell a story & take the piss out of what we were watching basically. It really did make you kinda go oh so were getting it like this are we & then it twists on it. Very good very clever & i appreciated it to be done like that. Give It extra Kudos.
Hugh Grant does steel the show, absolutely amazing performance throughout the film. Seriously didnt know what he was going to do next. I was thinking that at the start after seeing all those trailers he was going to be in it for 5mins literally the fun bits you see in the trailer & that be it, but no. The man is integral to the entire film & i loved it for doing it like that.
There were some other good performance. Some were a little bit meh though. Some deserved there right to be in the film & brought there a game. How many more times do i need to remind the world that Colin Farrell is a brilliant actor & we should be so proud of him. Hes just the best & we need to celebrate. Hes not in it for too long but his impact is what it needs to be.
Dont put Matthew McConaughey in your film & not give him an Alright or Alright to say. Booooooooooooooo. Was looking forward to that & didnt spot one at all, all film.
The pacing was good, we were going nice & steady with a few blips up every now & then & then for the last 10/15 mins absolute pure madness & addenalin & was just brilliant & then fizzled out dramatically, like they didnt know how to end it properly. Which is a huge shame because it had everything going for it & then it just went meh lets finish now. HAve the guts film to end on the ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh moment do have that last 3minutes of the film at all no no no.
Poor Pig.
I liked the use of pop culture references to certain things. The obvious ones were its to previous Richie films which was so clever & i loved all of them. We also had that youtube section, going to the emirates, & the different cultures which was clever. It also had the guts to take pokes at other films in the genre. It carried it off well.
Paper weights i am never looking at in the same way again.
Some epic deaths & fall outs from them which are good. Some less so. Some you also didnt see coming at all which were very much oh okay then thats cool & interesting. Not as much torture or blood or violence as i was expecting. It must be that one scene which i always think in film it not good to watch especially as a woman & the number of cunts (sorry said i was done) that give it that waiting.
some random politics throughout & exposition which seems odd when you watch it but when you leave the cinema & think about it a few days later you go ahhhhhhhhh i get it.
Its definitely worth a watch if this is your thing. Richies earlier work is better than this, & the end end needs some work on. If it had just had the guts to go bank theres your fuckign ending, i would be praising it alot more.
Its still really enjoyable though. If you got the balls to see it, go. Its Good.