I’ve spent most of today wondering if i should put up my reviews for 6 & 7 before i write this one, as thats what one should do in theory. But as these arent proper review i thought nah… so here goes.
First of all for a Wednesday in Easter break you wold think the cinema would be heaving with teens wanting to see this. I thought i was going to have to through some 16 year olds out of my way to get a seat when i got to the cinema after running there from my office. Nope i walked in at the start of the adverts & could pick my preferred seat… i know what!!! its only been out a week, did everyone just see it over the weekend then. I know 4 people who did, but seriously for a 2for1 Wednesday it was pretty empty.
Trailer wise was guardians (going to see) Spider man (going to see) Wonder woman (prob going to see) & King Arthur (prob going to see too) so that kinda wasted my time really with them.
The film did what it said on the tin. If you have watched any of them before, you know what you are getting. Yes theres a couple of twists which i didnt see coming but oh man it was Adrenalin filed & fun.
Those cars falling off the building what a set up to do that that was worth every penny(not that i paid but you get me) to see that.
Jason Statham stole the show at one point possibly the funniest 5 mins of an action chase film i’ve ever seen. & his two partners were good to glad that did actually happen.
The Car chases are epic as always what do you expect its fast & furious.
The Rock does still kick arse… the man is just a machine & now such a good actor. Well done Mr President 2020.
Theres not much else to say really. I came out of the cinema happy & i had a good time & i laughed & i was shocked & i was on edge. Good start to the summer blockbusters. What you see is really what you get with this & that is either something you enjoy or dont.
Guardians now its your turn