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& now for the next part of award season… & the next film about Cinema makers loving making movies. Yep time for The Fablemans. Spielberg version of events about loving the movies. Really wish id see this before the rest of them as this is the one that everyone i glorifying so much, but its my last one so lets see how this goes.

Pretty full cinema for a thursday night (people are loving going to the cinema on a thursday at the moment, not that im complaining to much doesnt effect my viewing) especially for a film like this. You know everyone’s just going to respect it. I am one of the youngest people here, mainly people in late 40s early 50s who all watched Spielberg as kids.

Trailers the Whale (watched) Missing (watched) Women Talking (yes) The Son (yes) Oppenheimer (yes) & Magic Mike (need to sort that out with the girls). So a very good set of adverts cheers Cineworld.

& then on Spielberg came on the screen to thank us all for coming to the cinema to watch a film about cinema… was not expecting that at all ahhhhhhhhh i mean nice touch, very nice in deed.

& then the film started… I think i have film makers making films about film & cinema fatigue, as i should have appreciated this much more than i actually did.

Yea seeing 4 films in a few months & 3 in less that 4 weeks about the love of cinema & the making of it & what the film maker fantasised or grew up with has been a bit much at times. I mean i know i dont have to do all of this but i want an informed opinion when we get to award season. So yea i have to do this. Maybe if id have seen this one first would have made me go oh wow.

It did feel deeply personal at point, like i was intruding on a very family orientated story & that i shouldnt have been, i mean it helped to feel for the character, it really did, btu then also due to the circumstances & the setting it also made me feel a little isolated from them as well. I didnt grow up in 1950s America as a teenage boy did it.

Those kids were bloody good at all the different ages, they were very very good. Michelle & Paul were good too but it was the random inclusion of Seth Rogan for all of 3 scenes in the film, who just turned up & owned it & bossed it which i was not expecting & completely was like oh wow yes mate. I mean i know we werent meant to like him in this, but he just turned up & completely flipped the film around.

There was a bit at the end of act 2 & start of act 3 that was weird & suddenly it became just a film about teenagers & not cinema. I mean i get it in some respects but not all of them. It just felt like he wanted to talk about something in his film & it just felt a little weird & out of place, for the rest of the film. Im not sure it added anything. I mean yes it eventually got him back into making films but still. Nah im not sure we needed that 30min of a 1950s teen movie.

When the kid does his directing thats cool while making the scout movie… i loved that. That made my film nerd brain go crazy & be like ahhhh yes please, more of this in the movie. I mean i understand weve got to unpack all his hidden trauma but still.

Horizons, seriously?!! I mean yes, but the nudge at the end brilliant.

The beach day was amazing i loved that & i would have liked the film to have ended there, where he learns how good a story he can tell with real life, but i do understand why he had to have a basic kitchen floor reset later & then have that moment at the end with the rest of his life ahead of him. But no ending it after the prom would have been perfect, as it showed how far he had come & was willing to accept & grow, both as a person & a film maker.

Some very nice film making techniques shown too for ametures to use. Really helpful.

Everyone remembers a trip to the cinema that changed there life, so i really like that. I remember going to see the Jungle Book at about the age of 3, that was cool. The main memory tho as a kid was going to see the lion king.

I am already looking forward to watching this once award season is over. When theres less similar films to see. I think i will appreciate it even more & the story & style it told. But i do think i have film makers making films about film fatigue now. I still really enjoyed it, but i feel i will give it more praise on a second viewing when everything is a bit more normal.

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