This is an advanced preview but its not been advertised as an advanced preview which is very odd. Also it comes out in a week where theres a lot coming out so im unlikely to see it. So im putting myself through this for 8:10 on a tuesday night so this should be interesting for sure. Hopefully no nightmares tonight.
There was about 15 to 20 people in my screening. There wasnt many. I mean its not been well advertised has it, & this is a preview but still. I was expecting a few more.
Trailers, MAXXINE, A Quiet Place, Horizon, Trap & there was one more. I think it was the McAvoy. No it wasnt it was the weird one where the murders are done in kind of first person. A hard no.
& then the film started… Yea this is one to avoid when it comes out people. I actually got bored.
First of all this isnt linked to the other Exorcism film that Crowe was in last year. I mean i knew it wasnt but someone leaving the cinema through it was a follow on & was very confused. I mean the posters & plots are identical. What a cinematic world hes creating with these.
Why put Sam Worthington in your film & then only use him in 3 scenes? Seriously? I mean one was very ewwwwwww but the rest was like well are we going to get more of him in this. So much so that when the ewwwwwww moment happened it was like well i only care about this cos its Sam. I cant even tell you his characters name. It was almost as if someone had a bigger part of the film, dropped out & they went ahh we have 3 days left of filming who can we get in quickly & he went well im free ill do it. Seriously such a waste of talent.
I know horror films has a set layout to them, especially films about exorcisms but this was so easy to work out what was going to happen once everyone had been introduced, that even someone who had never seen a film could tell you what would go down.
It tried far to hard to link itself to the Exorcist, Painfully hard. It was a bit embarrassing.
maybe one real jump scare, but the rest maybe had me moving slight but not going oooh god at. It just all felt a little two forced, even the possessions were like hmmmmm okay.
Did we need the daughter story, no not really. No one cared & it didnt actually effect the films out come. We just had to make her tragic for a reason to make you want her more.
I feel for that Vicar… thats not something i say often.
The first death is cool, but after that its okay well when do we get the next one. So much so that the final one had nothing to risk.
Is it hard to be a good actor & act as a bad actor in a film? Thats a genuine question.
Yea this was just generic & not scary & i got bored just waiting for the next moment. It didnt make me care for any character, it wasnt the best written & it just took to long to get to the final show down.
Maybe this would be good to watch when you cant sleep at night for some white noise. Im sure come my year end review i will have forgotten i watched this film.