& as I said in the previous the other end of the spectrum.
My parents used to watch the tv show years & years ago & the first one passed me by when it came out, so I’ve had to play catch up, but I was actually quite looking forward to this for part 2 of my film viewing.
Screen 2 had about 30 people in there I think I almost had someone sitting next to me. But I got my chair at the end of the back row under the air conditioning machine so happy days.
Trailers we had predator, yardie, happy time murders & the blackkklansman which I am so hyped to see. They also had a trailer for the nun which needs to come with a health warning don’t put that trailer before a film that is not good. Not really what I want to see.
& then the film started… & it was better than the original film. Like this is t even because it was fresh in my mind from seeing it 10 days before or that it’s in the cinema that it’s better by a smidgen. When I say it’s better than the original it is better than the original by a long way.
Okay so the first one did have to have a set up too it, but there was more of a main plot & better small subplots that just made it all gel together much more. It wasn’t just some pissed off Russians there was more to it than this. Especially with the trailer. I assumed the trailer bits happened for the set up but no they don’t m. You will be shocked when that but starts. It goes off on its tangent & Usain Bolts it.
I like the fact that your try to guess which side story he’s going to help next that’s quiet cool. You just sit there second guessing going is he going to help them or not ohhh. Also that Uber ish company need to check there drivers more thoroughly.
Is it bad that i was sitting there looking at Dave York going ooooh who are you mate… why do i need you more in my life? Especially at one moment on top of that watch tower, but we can keep that between us right… one google later… Pedro Pascal… okay they will do nicely.
The twist yes there’s a twist but I ain’t saying more than that… but oh man what a twist I felt angry I hadn’t worked it out thinking about it was just how did you not work that out girl you’ve seen enough of these kinda films not to fall for that. But wow what a twist. A proper fuck me holy shit moment.
Some epic ways to kill & injure people. & I need that panic room oh man that was cool but intense.
I cried. I can’t tell you when. Okay I had been emotional due to my earlier film & was a bit hormonal anyhow, but if you’ve seen it you will know why I cried. It was beautiful. What a reunion.
The nearly 2 hour film just flew by so much so when we were entering the third act it was a bit oh really oh I want more.
If you enjoyed the first one on any level go see this. Ask my parents about it too. They were just going to wait for it on dvd until I came home gassing about it, so they went to see it 2 days later & came out saying I was right & that I know what I’m talking about. See I know a good film when I see it peoples.