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March 16th 2020 feels like an awful long time ago when i last went to a cinema… turns out it was…a whole 120 days of it.
But now we’re back (kinda) cinemas are slowly starting to reopen, i need to decide if im going to move to cineworld & not the odeon to see my films or just go local every monday wednesday & sunday for the equivalent, or just do my small list for the year as my circumstances have now changed. but yea Cinemas are back & what a better way to start then to see one of my all time favourites.

This cinema club review will be more about the whole experience rather than the film ( there is already a review for empire strikes back on my blog click here) but i will talk about it a bit.

So i went to my local cinema the Worthing Dome (neither Cineworld or Odeon are open yet here). The Dome are showing classic films & films that were out as we all went into lockdown & they are staggering there times so no one else is waiting to go in at the same time.

You are first of all asked to book online or via the phone, at this point you have to give all your details over for track & trace obviously.
They have all there protocol on there website before you even purchase the tickets, which says if you want to wear a mask that fine but its not mandatory (weather this changes this week i have no idea) & that you can order your snacks online too. very clever.

upon arriving (with my mask on at this point) you notice its a one way system to follow before you even get in, along with signs saying please distance where you can. You are then greeted by someone who asks what film you are here to see before they take your temperature. Once thats been passed, you head for the screen ( the bar is completely close so no cheeky gins, Kirsty). Next you meet someone at the top of your screen whos visored up & behind a screen to scan your reference for your ticket & if you have snacks gives them out. You are then asked to walk the one way system around the cinema & not walk past anyone if possible.

So i walked around the screening to get to my seat.
They are doing one row with people next row empty etc etc & two seats empty either side of your booking. So they must fucking hate me as a one. So i made sure i was at the end of a row so only 2 seats were empty. Me a nice person. Noone else did come to sit in my row tho. Id say there was about 35 people in the cinema with me. No bad for a 40 year old film.

Before the trailers & before the actual film start they had there instructions saying if you feel unwell please leave, please sit where you are meant to, please take any rubbish with you, please leave room for people when leaving the screening. & leaving was really well organised too.you just went round the one way system again. one row leaving at a time then judging if there was room for the next people to leave.

So yes to my Dome Cinema for being on point & having loads of safety things going on & sanitation & cleanliness. At no point did i not feel safe. I will be going back.

So Trailers… really odd seeing film trailers saying this spring or june. HAHA!
We had No time to die which did now say november, then Mulan, then Wonder Woman & then a film ive never heard of called Greenland (Gerard Butler saves the world kinda thing) looks crap, so up for watching it tho. Then we had an NHS advert & then there was this boat going in reverse… TENET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ahhhhhh the new (well it wasnt in cinemas before lockdown new) Trailer & i went mad & as it ended you heard everyone just go ooooooohhhhhh BRING ON THE NOLAN!

& then the film started…. & its still epic & so good on the big screen.

I wasnt alive when Empire came out all those years ago & the last time it was re-released i was 7 so had no knowledge of star wars, so this was big for me. It didnt even matter that i had forgotten my glasses to see the film ( my headache on wednesday would say that was a bad idea tho).

Its not a very happy film if im honest for the good guys, from the start they are losing. Does this make me a bad person? Id this why i always side that the baddies because of Empire? I think it might be.

Darth is still the best baddie ever.

& that extra look at the end as the falcon escapes basically side eyeing going uhoh is some of the best extra acting ever.

I dont need to say anymore about this film, it is a GOAT.

So yea cinema club is back. Its now upto Odeon & Cineworld to get there act together for me to go back to one or join the other. Bring of the rest of the film watching year.

CINEMA CLUB IS BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

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