Yea this is for my sins it is it’s technically my first free film of the year so why not go & see something you will never see again just to see how shit it really is
I saw this the day after i saw The Big Sick, & i went into it know i was going to be bitterly disappointed with the whole thing, so any thing good this film did was going to be an improvement & a yea haha.
Kids trailers are all rubbish they really are, where are the grate films that are animated to come not one made me think oohhh okay not one. Sorry & i cant even remember what they were for.
Then we had a short about a vampire with a puppy who wasnt a puppy was a bat & he ate all the guests at the hotel… wtf?! yea that normal.
The film was just dismal & no soul & just meh(which considering that’s the lead character sums it all up really).
Not even James Corden could save it & i mean James Corden makes lesbian vampire killers slightly bearable & fun (thats saying a lot its a shit film too). He did have the one line in the film that made me laugh at the hacker private & code bit being a dictionary on the phone, to which another emoji said what would a 14 year old boy want to hide on his phone… & then Corden just went if you were a 14 year old boy theres a lot you dont want your parents to see. I laughed at that, the rest of the cinema stayed completely silent & it was half full & all family’s. & i kid you not that was the only time in a funny kids animation that anyone laughed, so much so that when we got to the end i actually felt sorry for it.
Oh & there was a cat bit on YouTube but we’ve all seen cat bits on YouTube nothing to write home about.
The graphics weren’t ground breaking, there were not new songs or trends for kids to pick up on & go to school doing them next year, the story was flimsy( both the emoji one & the human one) it just felt like someone went oh i tell a story with emojis on my phone lets try & do this on a big screen for the world.My most used emojis are these 💩🅰🐦 (which isnt even showing up on here properly) but it means shit a duck… i could make a better film out of that then theres.
Over all it was crap, it really was theres no way to hide it, its a disgrace to animations. Mufusa is turning in his grave. At least i didnt have any good feeling into it going to go & see it so therefore i guess it actually hit all the marks for me.
Ive seen it so you dont have too. Last week really was going from the sublime to the ridiculous.