New Years day 2022… welcome to cinema club 2022… a whole 5 months & 3 weeks earlier than it was last year hehe.
The hangover from last night wasnt bad, nothing a very quick shower & one nurofen cant solve, so lets head to the cinema shall we, mainly because im not actually sure when im going to see this film & lets be honest the Cumberbatch & Cats its got to be a winner right.
the 5:30 showing was what i went to, worked out most of the booze would be out of my system by then, & so did a few other people too. Id say there was about 40 of us in there. There were some people who looked like they were award season collectors (if youve done a collection before you know what i mean), but the majority of people in my screening were all women or guys my age of my parents age, who are all sherlock fans. We have a certain style we do, but you could just tell that these are the cumberbatch fans who think the man is bloody brilliant & will go see him in anything, so yea that was the majority of us.
Trailers Dog with Channing Tatum (that looked weird but sweet) the Unbearable weight of massive talent (yep), Liquorice Pizza, Scream (nope) & there was one more ahh what was it what bloody was it. Moonfall. It was Moonfall. The new trailer, thats what it was. Knew id get it eventually.
& then the film started… I dont really like to period a drama but this one was recent enough that it still felt new & not so dated. It just had a nice pleasant happy vibe to it, i mean its a film about Cats so its always going to have a positive vibe right.
It was very sweet & moving at times, no enough to make you cry or get too emotional, but still very thought provoking & beautifully done. It really knew it had to be slow & caring like most of the people were in the film to each other & it had to get the tones right.
When one of the cats dies (its a film about Cats you know ones at least going to die come on peoples) the cinema did all just go awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww at it. It was sweet & it was sad.
The way it dealt with mental health wasnt good, but in that period of time, it wasnt good either. I know even now in 2022, we need to do more & support people where we can with this, even more so after the last two years, but seeing how far weve come in 100 years really says a lot. Weve got further to go tho people & just remember its okay not to be okay.
The depiction of grief & loss & suffering through so many different eyes was wonderful, it really was a spectrum as to what different people go through & im happy it did that.
The Cumberbatch is always amazing, & he is the star of this film. Its not his best work, but i think hes now edging towards the Ruffalo DiCaprio tier of epic acting (its just below hanks btw that group). But his sorrow & his break down & his love were all just stunning & he just stole the show.
Clare Foy was okay, but even in this where there were loads of cats & she had very important part of a story to tell, she still looked like she was board throughout. Why does she always look like that, im sorry she does. She always looks like shes not interested at all.
Not Enough Toby Jones & Taika was only in one scene, sad times.
Come of the cinematography was amazing, as someone who lives on the edge of a national part, its always nice to try & work out where they have filmed things like this & there lots of beauty spots like that near us. Especially that glade, that was beautiful, & i love how you saw the electricity run though some of it at times.
Were all the drawings the real drawings or were they good mock ups. They were bloody brilliant.
There was about 6 flerkens & 8 Loki cats in this film, i didnt mean to count them but then realised about half way through that i had been.
It was a nice pleasant sweet calm way to enter 2022 for film viewing. Im glad ive seen it & it is lovely, but its not going to be for everyone & its not going to make any movements around award season. Theres too much other stuff out there which means this wont be heard.