Lets go to the Beach each lets go get away. Time for Beach Cinema at the Perch for a friday night, my first one of the year. Yep Film two of the day as previously mentioned is one thats a classic which they are showing on the big screen on the Beach. The restaurant there put on a free film every friday night on a projector down to the beach on there huge new screen, with all money made on the night going to charity & this is happening each night this summer.
I didnt go to the first one which was 4 wedding & a funeral mainly because when my friend text me & said are you here i was already on my third drink & had no way to get to the beach which is a couple of miles away from my house & carry my stuff down there. & then film two was rained off so number three was my first chance to do it.
So obviously no adverts just waiting for it to get dark enough to watch the film. People count i recon about 35 people were on the beach to see it so if everyone gave £3 to the charity thats pretty darn good.
One issue with Beach cinema is its fucking freezing. I took a hoddie & put a blankie on but my friend has a jumper a hoddie a coat a hat a scarf & a blankie. She was frozen. So yea thats the only downside of it.
& then the film started… Now how do i review this? you know its not a normal cinema club review is it, you can watch this on Film 4, get it on DVD & watch it when you want. I’m going to do the normal cinema club review but put a bit of a synopsis at the start.
Synopsis time (you were warned in the paragraph above) Stalin is busy writing his list & sending people to go & be dealt with. He wants a concert recorded which they have to redo. The pianist isnt happy to do this & leaves a note with the record. Stalin reads the note & laughs while playing the music & then dies. His inner circle & the government member start to position themselves for who is next going to be in charge of & put in their own rules & vote for things they want to do which will make them the more favourable. This includes the NKVD taking over the city & out casting the army & various allies either returning or being dealt with. The memorial becomes a farce & eventually a coups is brought to light, which involves the army regaining the city. Beria who was using everyone so he could be in-charge but not, is found guilt of betraying his country & is executed. Khrushchev eventually becomes the leader only to later be replaced by Brezhnev.
Its a bloody funny hilarious film. I like Iannucci humour, it is an acquired taste but it so works with this subject. There are some very weird or odd or tumble weed moments but thats what makes it work & make it so funny. My friends less so, but they still enjoyed it.
It got properly dark & omg no in places it really did. The oddness of it all too was sometime a bit overwhelming & a bit hang on what. So much so that the friends who didnt get it were asking me questions & i was going hang on 3 seconds let me see if i get it.
One of my friends at one point did say why is (hello to) Jason Isaacs speaking in a northern accent. My answer was because he is northern. She laughed at that. But that was very funny that everyone spoke in their actual accents Buscemi with American, Palin being Palin. It was brilliant.
Love the fact it was properly back stabbing & noone trusted or believed in each other & then they were all besties. Properly bitchy.
Not enough Paddy or Jason, both had small parts in an ensemble film. Both needed more screen time or to be someone more important in the set up of it all, which was a shame as both brought what they had to it. Maybe thats why i enjoyed there performances so much as there was less of them.
I liked the bleakness & grittiness of it. It really did make it feel real despite the satire of the performance & the darkness of the films back drop & subject. It balanced it so well. It made it feel authentic & organic.
I can see why some people dont get it & dont like it & think what the hell have i just watched. But i got it & i had a bloody good time & a right old giggle to it. So glad i’ve finally seen it.
Note to self next week for beach cinema take a flask.
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