Please let’s not have 3 completely crap films in a row please please please iv seen some reviews for this & im very worried.
4:40 film yes please that’s good for me I’m up for that after work on a Friday.
Really hard to gauge & age on the people in the cinema like there was an older couple alike over 60 there was a group in there 40s a group older than me a couple the same age as me & then 2 groups of kids or teenagers. Like I said hard to gauge who’s audience this was for. My dad was interested in seeing it but after he read the reviews went nah.
Trailers hit mans body guard blade runner kingsman & then Thor oh man loki you are my man surprise. Bring on October.
So the film… didn’t know what it wanted to be at all which is a real shame considering this was one of the most wanted to watch films of the year at the start of the year.
It wanted to be a coming of age film about the child wanting to find itself. It wanted to be horror with scary things but was so dark in its setting to scare you. It wanted to be the hunger games or Harry Potter either the chosen one who will save their world & the matrix for that matter too with the cgi. It also wanted to be an action film but with not enough action. Also t wanted to be versions different people trying to cope with the new worlds they are in & not settling.
Elba was okay not used enough no way & then when he starts showing his potential we were nearing the end of the film which was a kick in the teeth of you ask me.
McConaughey was a good villain. But I wanted darker from him. He did at one point go alright alright & I did laugh at that. He’s got to say that in each film it doesn’t matter how serious an actor he gets he always have to do it.
Also half the tech they use there is no rhyme or reason to it or introduction. If you mention some of it we will accept the rest but none is a cop out. Also the shine… no excuse as to why that’s meant to bring down the tower either.
The rest of the cast I can’t tell you who any of them were including the kid who lead the film. They didn’t really have any proper presence or want me to engage with them.
What I saw I enjoyed & was entertaining but if I had read the book I’d probably have a different opinion on this like most other reviews. Although I’m sitting here now thinking we could have done with at least another 30minutes if not 50 to fill in my blanks that I have.
I’m also grateful that it was a okay film 3 bad ones in a row may have been it for Hollywood.