Time to see the film that due to circumstance took a back foot & then had a delay which wasnt its fault & is now finally out to watch in the cinema, its the Current War.
This film does actually mean a lot to me if im honest. I went to see it be made as it was filming literally 3minutes away from my work. So i stalked Benedict Cumberbatch around the pavillion for 3 days. It was so much fun. My manager was concerned when i said i wasnt coming back to work in the afternoon though. I hadnt been there long enough for him to understand my sarcasm obviously. If i had said that now he may very well go on strike with me, but he would at least understand why.
Odeon have only been showing this at 10pm so i frequented the dome cinema for a 8:30 £3.50 showing in screen 3. I definitely lowered the average age in there to about 50. Seriously i think people were in there to have a nap, not see a film.
Trailers we had Angle has Fallen (yes), Once Upon Hollywood (yes altho ive just realised how long the film is oh my god, its longer than midsommar) Downton Abbey (nope), Gemini Man(hasnt seen the trailer before so up for this now) & Ad Astra (yes that looks sooooo good). So a right little mix of films there if you ask me.
& then the film started…. So did i make my film debut? kinda. I definitely think im in there.
If you know the world’s greatest city of Brighton & Hove you will know we have a pavilion with stunning architecture & a beautiful garden & theatre & concert hall in the middle of the city. It truly is stunning. There is a swooping shot during the film of what they say is chicago, but it is clearly mirrored images of the pavilion, where all the normal people walking through it have CGI hats or hair or unbrellers as its from the 1800s. So there is a huge change i am in that shot. They also used the oriental art room inside it, they have Nicholas Hoult giving a speech outside the main entrance & there are many shots of people walking through doors in the film where you go oh ive walked through that door i know where that is. So im going yes i am in the film. I am so adding myself onto IMDB as a credit.
Unfortunately thats the main excitement of the film, trying to see if i was on it or not. Other than that this films struggles alot it really does, so much so that Michael & Ben cant save it. Even a young Tom Holland who wasnt as huge as he is now when he filmed it cant save it. He is the best part of the film though with his honesty & vulnerability, but i’ve felt more emotions for him in other films this year (dont talk to me about the hug yet still cant cope).
None of the other characters made you want to route for them or pick a side or feel for them, maybe the horse, but thats about it. No one else did i connect with & have mutual understanding for. A film like this you should want to pick a side, even if you know you shouldnt your subconscious should do it for you. Nope neither of them.
The styling of the film was bad, they way it was cut together & the tones of it just jumped all over the place. IT didnt know which style it wanted to be seen as & therefore lost its way & by the time you get to the point where it does you’v lost interest in what has already happened. It looked like 200 different people had not just edited it but written it & then directed it as well.
It was such a miss match which if the film hadnt been lineal would’ve been fine but it wasnt. But that also did my head in we spent so long in like 1880 & then leap to 1887 with no warning at all. No how about a bit more of a montage to show the passage of time with those lights on that map that you built. Dont create that for a film & then only use it every now & then use it more often its a huge set piece & is so important.
I liked the morse code that was very good, think i was one of only a few people who worked that out quite early on. So when it was made a fuss of much later on people were going what!
Some of the more simple easy films just lacked effort or drive. You know you should be so proud of your work & what youve achieved but there were bits where they were just all to much like meh & then they cared at the wrong points about stuff. IE building a fence was good but the point of that scene should of been the fence not everything else going on around it. It just made it awkward.
Its a shame really this could have had potential, but ive just left going oh well, its another film for the list i guess. At least im in a film. This film is a victim of circumstance, but even if it hadnt been i dont think it would of been that good.