urgh not spelling Colour properly does my head in a bit… anyhow. Advanced screening time for The Color Purple (from now on ill be spelling colour properly) at cineworld & this one started early like 7pm not 7:30 very odd but oh well.
Screen one was 60% full id say each row had about 8 people in which was decent. It was also my first time this year in my favourite chair & screen so i was very happy about that. Id say all ages were there for this. from 20 to 80 were all covered in the screening. Well done peoples.
Trailers, once again Cineworld having trailers for all their preview or recent previews so, Zone of Interest, Iron Claw, Wicked letter & we also had the holdovers too. woohoo. I think we might actually get that at the weekend wooohooo finally.
& then the film started… & i just want to say on record because i dont say it enough that i bloody love my sister. I know i always tell her but it dont say it anywhere near enough at all. This film just affirmed it even more.
The sister bond in this was incredible. It didnt matter about their own individual dramas & journeys & what life threw at them, they loved & cared for their sister & that made me well up a few times for sure & then shed a couple of tears at the end.
There are so many films at the moment with red flags for men, which is a good thing, but this was a never ending revolving Red flag train. They just kept coming. So much so that at the end of it i was like nah i know your taking the higher moral ground but he doesnt deserve that. He can jog on. Your being civil but he doesnt deserve that after everything he put you though for 20 odd years. It pisses me off that this still happens today as well. I know safety is what you know rather than what you dont but still.
The songs were good. Unlike mean girls which ive previously talked about they did add to the story, although randomly adding a famous singer to the story was random. I mean it she had to discover her own self worth but it was just hmmmm okay, were just moving this into a weird world that none of the other characters are truly ready for. But it does inspire that dining room scene which is so so so good. I was like yes girls go for it. Tell those men.
Some characters really did piss me off & how they thought they had the right to do certain things, especially a certain character at the end of act 2, who we havent met before who gets hew own fucking way. I wanted to punch her so badly i was just like no you dont just do that lady. Your the original Karen. You can fuck off.
It felt long for the sake of it, it really did. I checked my watch a couple of times going were still watching this seriously, & were not even in act 3 yet. I get it has a certain story to tell but when the story is good it doesnt have you looking at your watch every 15mins going okay we done yet, oh no. It just lingered & felt meh at time.
I get that this is history & an important book & play & previous film, but when were just dealing with people & not their issues or problems it was like hang on were just dragging this out. Those kind of moments needed an empowering song & we didnt get it then. & then some character got euphoric moments who didnt earn them but the couple who did had to keep waiting. We wanted more power to women please.
There were points where we had time jumps & they were acknowledge & then we had a couple where i was like hang on we just leapt 6 years without you telling us. What are you doing. Consistency please. I thought this was all of like 6 months but it was almost 5 years, how? Urgh that pisses me off a bit when films do that. either tell me each time or just dont bother.
Maybe im not the correct race or nationality for this film to give a proper judgement on it, but it does make you realise a lot of what people went through & what some women go through today with their abusive partners. Everyone deserves to be happy & loved & have self worth. It shows that things have changed but also sadly havent. IT was also just too bloody long.
Im sure there are people out there who will adore this. I mean it was good & very well acted & had some good songs, but there were points i was just like okay are we done now. Im glad ive seen it but i wont be rushing for a rewatch.