Its time, buckle in peoples. I am going to see The Brutalist. All 3hours 35mins of it. This is going to be a slog & a lot of planning has gone into this viewing. It been almost a mission to get the timing & place correct.
So i went to my local cinema to see this. The connaught were showing it in the theatre not the small studio which was nice. Im glad it wasnt the dome with those uncomfortable seats for that amount of time. My Cineworld the first week didnt show it, & this second week its starting at 5:15 & i need to see it for awards seasons so we are doing it now. so the 6:15 for £5 will do yes i have to pay for parking but it means i can leave my flat at 6:15 & be in my seat at 6:25 ready for the film to start & then be home by 10:15. Happy days. Its worth it. I mean ive even sorted out my eating schedule so that when the interval hits ill be ready for snacks.
I lowered the average age. Oh boy did i lower it out of the people i saw. Id say it was half full which was good but late 40s. So many of them were struggling & looked tired at the interval when i went to go get a drink.
As i got there, they were showing a trailer for Ben Hur which is their next mini season & then a trailer for im still here & then it went into the usually the film will start next moment, so i timed it to perfection.
& then the film started… Well that was an experience for sure.
(please note part of this was written before the oscars)
So i really do appreciate the interval. I got up used the toilet (half the people forgot there was a hidden toilet & all went to go use the big main one outside & had to wait) & i got a drink & opened my snack for part 2, but it ruined the momentum of the film. I like the fact that the clock in the film did count it down, but it was so intense in the first hour & 45 that suddenly to stop for 15 mins it wasnt needed. It could have kept going. I also do get that this was going to improve his life & it was a new chapter when the film came back, but it took me a while to get back into. If we lost the interval the film is 3h20mins (actually 3h10 due to credits) so its easy to do without an interval. I never truly got back into it with the suspense it had for the first half. Almost like it was two films.
I loved the opening of the film, i was full on expecting it to be horrific & horrible & not nice to watch but the fact this was their way of seeing freedom, spectacular. Feeling that angry & stressed as the viewer but then being happy for him was such a relief.
Adrien probably will walk away with an oscar in a couple of weeks (sorry im so behind he now has). I dont actually mind the AI on his voice being used, i wouldnt have noticed it if i hadnt known. He was very commanding at being vulnerable & then being so angry. It was a stunning performance. I really dont mind which of these 5 now win for best act, its all their best work.
Felicity & my mate Guy (who is probably going to win the punch them in the face award in december) were both incredible too. I dont think anyone gave a bad performance at all. You can see why this film keeps picking up nominations & awards for the acting on display. Felicity is a little wasted, as shes not in the first half other than a voice over, but once shes on screen, especially for those two scenes in act 3 were just amazing. I love her, shes my girl.
It doesnt hold back. Its a hard watch at points. Its barbaric & graphic & shows hoe users will always be users for their own gain & then discard you. People like that in the world are just the worst they really are. Some of the abuse was horrible, the drug use at all sort of points full on, its not nice to see but it really is what did & does happen. People fall into the rabbit holes without realising. Theres one scene in italy which was very hard to watch & its not the marble licking.
No library or study i ever go to will ever lift up to that one. Belle from beauty & the beast would explode. It was stunning. & i dont read that much. I want that library for my films, so Adrien if youd like to come around & build that for me, id really appreciate it. Ive got maybe a £400 budget at best…
I liked how they were set periods of times, however other than telling you that at the start of each part, it wasnt referenced again. It could have been watching one scene took a week & then the next was 2 years later. Im not a fan of dates taking place, but when he was working for another company & then was called back & that person had aged up so dramatically i was like hang on whats going on here. 3 scenes ago she was 15 & possibly being groomed & now shes marride.?
Uperty people urgh! yep you can add this film onto the list.
They talked slightly about the past horrors & i get you dont really want to relive tellign that, but there are moments of sorrow & torture in this film where the past effects people that they dont even really talk about.
I love that building, it was over the top, but fuck me when that light did break over it, the cinematography of that was lush. Someone sitting the row in front of me as it was a kind of religious moment actually did cross there body to their god.
If someone askes to see an awards season film, you show them this. You are never going to watch it again, but it is a work of art which is subjective. Some people will adore this &say its a masterpiece others will go its over bloated.
Personally it is a bit too long, we go a bit to far. I understand why it is a good film, but its not one i will be sitting here going you all need to see this. The only reason to see this is for some really good acting & as it will win awards.