Time for some horror comedy which decided to ask the question all original horror films failed at. It is time to go & see The Blackening. This has had really good feed back & im really really really looking forward to see how they do this & what twists they have on it.
Now i have vented about this to people in person & online but i need to get it out on here too. Something not very nice happened to me while i watched this film. Im sorry if what im about to write upsets or offends some of you but i feel you need to know what happened
I went to the 6pm showing at Cineworld brighton of the blackening in screen 6. Completely normal thing for a wednesday. 20mins in to the film (remember we have at least 20 mins of adverts & trailers at the moment) 4 younger people walked in & started hugging their friends & standing up for 5mins &being loud. They were then racially offensive to the characters in the film (which is a film about black people) & started jeering at the character with a lisp. I told them to shh (they were the row in front of me) & they told me to fuck off as a fat lesbian (which I am not). They then kept moving seats using their phones & one of them was even vaping. I didn’t feel safe in the cinema &; as there was only me & 2 other people in the screening, I knew if I went outside to complain, they might be even ruder to me than they already had been.
When the film ended I left straight away & tried to find a member of staff but everyone was either scanning tickets or selling food. When I eventually ask for a mangers help to make a complaint I was told they were unavailable.
The entrance to the car park at Cineworld in the dark is not the nicest they could have been waiting for me if i had gone & complained while the film was happening. I dont want to feel unsafe at my cinema.
Im sorry that took a while. Thats also probably why (other than a creative block & my lap top being 500 years old) is why ive delayed writing this review. So i am sorry peoples i really really am. But this is now out of my system. This is therefore probably not actually a fair reflection on the film as i was distracted for a part of the movie, by idiots who were just being Wankers.
I cant remember what the trailers were sorry (there was one for Dumb money tho)
& then the film started… & despite all that crap it was a good funny films.
I did laugh a lot which did take my mind off what was going on in my screening. I smile & i loved the way they dealt with the tropes of the black best friends always being the first person to die or be taken. I do understand that. However once that joke was played out in the introduction & then we learnt more about the characters, it became just another generic survival horror film. Until they got to the game part where they had to survive who to sacrifice. I mean i would too. Who seriously votes for Trump…TWICE!
It was a really good concept those to show who they all thought was the blackest person there, i liked that. It showed that they profiled themselves & how they saw themselves & their friends. It was very interesting to see. & to see that everyone no matter who they are have similar problems.
I didnt work out who the villain was & then i was very underwhelmed but it did make sense & the final show down wasnt so much a show down. It just kind of happened. It was like they had a good idea to prove that characters point but then it dragged on a bit too long.
I was actually expecting a lot worse from the horror side of it. After the initial introduction it then went a bit tame, which for me i can cope with but i wanted to be on the edge of my chair for the majority of the film going fuck no i aint dealing with this. Also filming a chase scene in a lake at night urgh, hardly saw anything.
No one was a stand out performance at all. There was no one where you were like oooh they are in this they shine more than the others or they do this or they do that. It was an ensemble cast, of equal ability enough to make it believable & to do the jokes justice. If it had a big name cameo it might have lost some of its charm.
I still enjoyed the film. But i do need to re-watch it i really do. It didnt receive its full attention from me but that is not my fault. My safety & hiding from the wankers in my screening was more important than a film.