Tom Hardy on a motorbike, with Jodie & Austin… im in! Also this is found how how many prebooked films i could have so thats very interesting (turns out its 5 film & any of the 90s seasons or previews as possible so thats cool to know). I also have the day off today so seeing this at 5:10 is perfect. I can then get home & have curry while watching the football. Win win
Sorry ive left this pre write up a bit late so i cant remember the trailers or how many people were in my screening with me. Its wasnt as packed as i thought it would be.
& then the film started… Much like the actual story itself it wanted to look cool & gritty but it lacked the desire it should have had to make it spectacular.
Tom Hardy owned it. He was the best part of the film by quite a way. Thats saying a lot because the film was stacked with good actors too. Jodie was good dont get me wrong & Austin was moody (think he said maybe 100 words in the whole film) but neither were as good as Tom. Considering he was in this to be the whole cool guy as a bigger name, every scene without him in lacked.
Jodie did spend to long talking & recounting & not actually acting. I get that she had a story to tell & it was mainly her point of view, but still whenever she was in the story she told she wasnt actually in it much. I hope that makes sense. It does to me. There was one moment which as a woman wasnt nice to watch where she acted. Its not good to be a woman sometimes, i felt uncomfortable watching that, there were a few smaller incidents of that happening earlier but yea that main point at the start of act 3, i didnt enjoy.
When all those bikes moved out it did look bloody cool & stylish. It was some lush cinematography.
There were a couple of moments where the film looked like it was about to reach its full potential & be gritty & hard & prove that the film had a reason for being & every single time ( especially the act 3 part) it copped out & i got angry. The movie needed to have some balls.
The opening was cool, but it was called back to being the case for something so early on in the film, that it lost its impact. The only film thats ever mastered the earlier flash forward properly is Deadpool, this one it felt there were no stakes as to why that was referred to so early on again.
We were meant to care about quite a few of the riders that were on the bikes, but then we were just kind of told to forget about them & then it was like ooh you know those 6 guys from earlier, well this is what happened to them in the end.
It was a good way to document & show the story being told, but it also was weird it was just her point of view & no one else’s.
The funeral that happens in the film was sweet but also painful.
No i dont ride a bike or know much about bike culture, but is it really that tribal & dog eat dog & the colours & stuff? It felt a little over the top at times… & people say being a swiftie is a bad cult.
Also when he kept getting done by the police, why not just stop giving him bail?
This was still a cool stylish movie, it just needed to go hard or go home, unfortunately it went home, when it had the tools there to go very very hard & be insane. Instead it just limped over the line to get home with 10miles of fuel left in its tank. Could have been something special, it really could have been