I got told off at the cinema wtf!?
Yep you heard correctly & it was only after I was told off I realised how old my telling off was.
So I get to the cinema little screen 8 no one there & the little voice comes on to say hi before the adverts, so we’re not even at the trailers at this point yet alone the film. So I do what I normally do sit there & check up on my daily emails & social media until we get to the trailers. & then I get tapped on the shoulder my an odeon member off staff asking me to turn my phone off like during advert 2. So I go yeah that’s fine & put my phone away & the man leaves the room. It is at this point I realise I’m the only person in the fucking cinema!!!!!
No one else at this point no one! Who the hell was I offending with my phone which is on silent & reduced brightness mode. Who was I upsetting? Also it was adverts so you know I don’t want to spent 15mims watching them when I could be getting upto date with the rest of my life. & it wasn’t like I was talking big on the phone too. But pathetic really do you really think I’m going to record & upload the jaguar take the corner advert & post it online & make money out of it no no no no.
When it come to the film yes tell them off but not during the 20mins before hand. Good luck with telling the whole cinema about that before Dunkirk mate.
Over all another 7 people joined my on Friday evening to see this film. Which ain’t to bad could have been more after the profile it’s had leading up to its release.
Trailer wise Apes Umph Girls Night Umph Dunkirk ekkkk 1 week to go although by the time this is up more like 5 days hahaha hurray up.
I didn’t realise this film was a remake til I got home & explained to my dad what I watch & he went oh ain’t that the one spoiler spoiler spoiler that used to have Clint Eastwood in… turns out yeah it did. & then he said oh why didn’t you say I’d love to see how it’s been redone argh.
Time for my semi annual we all need to praise & support Colin Farrell a lot more shout. Oh the man is to good we need to celebrate him he’s an amazing diverse actor & unfortunately his time for winning awards has probably passed. He steals the show in this film (I’m really hoping it’s not just cos he’s the only man tho). He really does knock it out of the block especially when he starts to threaten them.
There were too many views of random trees that I didn’t care about. This isn’t the revenant people where you can film amazing landscapes this landscape didn’t move at all. It was the same plant.
I could see where the film was going to maybe not exactly one thing which was pretty grim but the rest of it was very obvious which kinda took the mystery & suspense out of the film.
This film isn’t going to be everyone’s cup of tea it’s to bland for one audience & to dark & mysterious for the other. This is a film made for art & awards not the general masses. I still enjoyed it tho.
Sorry that doesn’t seem like much of a review but without explaining fully what happens & spoiling it I can’t tell you Mitch more.