Cinema time once again, time to go watch a film which the subject has helped to change the world, okay maybe it will be a bit over dramatised but Redmayne & Jones is a winning formula so i have faith in it.
Trailers we had this really cool new film thats out next in a week or so called Le Mans 66. I reckon it might be good ( wrong its fucking fantastic see it peoples) We also had a Eastwood film which has Sam Rockwell in it that looked cool, something like Richard Jails (turns out after a quick google its Richard Jewell) but im up for that. We also had a Frozen Trailer & Knives Out.
Id say screen 7 had about 30 people in there in total. All different age groups which shocked me i was expecting this to be a film lots of people my age & above would want to see but there were a couple of groups of teenagers. Guess they do pull everyone in to watch them.
& then the film started… Wow oh Wow like if we were talking about this film earlier in the year id be much more gushing about this so im going to try & be even though this year has had some epic films but oh wow.
Felicity Jones needs an oscar nomination for her performance in this film. So far this year i’ve only seen 3 maybe 4 better acting performances that that. It was just so outstanding it was her film not Eddies. I’m not saying Eddie was crap oh no Eddie was amazing & a pleasure to watch as well, but she had a greater journey to go through & more determination & struggle & it was inspiring to watch. We are doing well with our independent women this year cinema when you decide to get it right you really do. She needs a lot of praise.
That being said Eddie was the one who made me cry. When he goes to see his dad whos got dementia. That more because of what we have gone through as a family with it i just sat there watching that scene thinking of my Dad & Grandpa & i cant type anymore give me a min.
Right sorry, if ive completed that paragraph above i’ve composed myself, if not im sure youve been reading my blogs long enough to understand why.
I like the random flashbacks which we got often these sometimes feel a little false or faked or over used for the sake of it. But these gave you the right information at the correct time for what you needed there & then nothing more nothing less, so that by the time you get to the end of the film you are ready for the finale & for everything to be explained & sort & resolved, but it only at the right point. It added to the building of the story & made you care for everyone so much more.
Those butterflies, wow what a perfect scene. Everyone will take away the screaming hello bit from this film or the coldness that it makes you feel when they get that high, but not for me its those butterflies. Its one of the most beautiful things ive ever seen. Just majestical & gave me goosebumps for the entirety of that little moment.
The shots of the balloon floating up wow.
The science behind it all was stunning for the age as well. Properly inspirational that people had to do all of this to try to predict the weather all those years ago. That really is to be admired. The ambition to go im doing this even though theres a good chance i may die doing it is to be commended.
The trailer did make it look more action packed & full of suspense than it actually was. Honestly it had the right amount of drama to it of oh god is someone going to die. Anymore would of been over kill but it balanced it well.
I would recommend this film to, well everyone seriously. Its so well acted, its got brilliant cinematography, it has helped to shape the world as we know it. Its just one of those movies that makes you feel all happy & proud inside & makes you go yea we brits we were brave enough to do that. We are bloody good sometimes.
Well worth it, go find this film peoples.