This seems to be cineworld jewel in the crown atm. Its their new unlimited advert & is being touted about. & its an Adam Deacon parody film, so this should be a lot of fun. I am so looking forward to this carnage.
It was mainly millenials at the screening which i full on expected. There were some with their parents like i sometimes take mine but other than that, that was it really.
Im gonna be honest i cant remember the trailers, but there was one for saltburn. I cant wait to see that.
& then the film started… so i always post mini reviews just to help me write at a later date like today being a prime example & i share them on social media. & my friend Dexia said my review for this film is the best film review shes ever read in her life. It said as follows…
CRAP! Not even Corbyn could save it.
Yep thats what i posted. I usually do a whole Paragraph about a film & mention key points if it an epic film they get a whole page.This didnt even get 3 lines.
Lets talk about the 2 good things. Maybe that will help but both were in the same moment.
The highlight of the movie was the worlds crappiest bank robbery. It was crazy & hid me smile & maybe a small giggle once. & the highlight of that was Corbyn turning up & tory bashing for 10 seconds. I laughed at that.
BUT THATS IT! There was nothing else good in this film at all.
I get its a parody of the genre, i full on knew that, but even fora parody i expect more laughs than that.
The cameos were crap. Ed Sheeran was weird. The other people in the bank odd. Even Jennifer Saunders at the end was like say what. She just was a bit weird. It just didnt work.
& then all the gangs & people we had to meet throughout the film were weird. It was just like no, & we kept meeting them throughout the film & i genuinely forgot who was with who & then the plot twists were weird & odd. I know we had to build up to the final showdown but it was far to long & convoluted to bloody get there.
This film at the halfway point has a really important conversation about mental health in it between 3 men & that is bloody important that this needs to happen in the world, but the film just kinda skimmed over it & i was like what. No no no. This cant just be brushed away & not be seen by people. But i guess that was the nature of the film. But it was a really important chat. & yet its in this film.
The final showdown was crap.
The 2023 culture references were weird.
I know im a white female who has never been in a gang or lived anything near thats kinda life, but i always try & connect to someone but no there was no one at all. Maybe the one bit i connected too was how much it cost to pay to park the car. That was it.
The script wasnt fun. The jokes that were long term didnt hit the pay off. It all just felt far to falsified & awkward.
Well when i left the cinema there was 4 men leaving in front of me & one of them said, i think i laughed 3 times watching that & one of them replied saying that much. So it wasnt just me who felt disappointed with the film.
So unless you are an Adam Deacon loyalist, dont see this film it is complete & utter crap. The cameos are not good or used properly & its just such a bad parody film, that its not even good. yea avoid it.
Im amazed ive not just screamed this review out.
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