0 5 mins 4 yrs

Advance screening time yet again & this time its for MATT DAMON!!!! (my one per film) & Stillwater which recently got a standing ovation at Cannes for 5 minutes, so im hoping this hits the nail on the proper film critic mind & im not left going meh over it.

Its the most people ive seen in a cinema since Tenet, it was packed, absolutely packed, its also the first time theres now only a one chair gap between people too. It was screen 5 too which i hadnt been in yet so i enjoyed that (2 to go) weird seat set up but still comfortable & lots of room. A right hodgepodge of ages as its all unlimited members. Felt awkward as most of the front row of the raised bit was a load of odd ones like me & then i just walked to the back to mine, maybe i should have sat with them.

Trailers were for the rest of the advanced screening coming soon, so Zola, the Nest, Snake Eyes & then the new Cumberbatch film the Courier… Is that secret screening next week did they just give it away, i will find out next week (cant wait for it especially as there are no clues to it either, pay your money take your chance).

& then the film started (they finally got the message to not advertise an unlimited card to a room full of people who already have that card)…. & i really enjoyed it if you can say that about this film topic, but i did.

Amanda Knox has spoken about this film & how its profiting from her life without asking her. I mean if thats the case shes implying a lot & thats all im going to say… if youve seen the film & you know her story you will get what im saying. Everyone needs to remembers the name Meredith Kercher.

Matt Damon proves he is still a leading man. He carries the entire film & rest of the cast & the feel of the whole film. He is commanding loving sweet & scary all in like 10 seconds & is the ultimate redneck American Dad in this. He just delivers & makes it so easy to watch its a joy.

The different family dynamics you see through out the films are so interesting & clever. From the family back home in Stillwater, to his relationship with the daughter, to the family/friends in Marseille. Each goes through so many stages & its interesting to see how everything has a knock on to the other as it would do in real life.

Im so glad there are dodgy areas of towns in all citys around the world & not just here.

Some of the scenic shoots are beautiful are lovely especially when they go up to the mountains. That looks lush i could see why you want to live there & why its so expensive & lush there.

Theres a slight time & period jump at the half way point which is actually quite good because the first half of the film had wrapped itself up so it need to break & move forward a bit so then we could see where we would be later on. IT needed it. Some films leap forward for no reason at all but this does move everything along. It added more drama.

I love the whole moral compass, as to what would you do to save the ones you love & bring them back & prove themselves, & also what you would do to gain trust of another. Its brilliant & does make you sit there & think, the cogs definitely went round in my head. & also who to trust in that situation.

Any film that has any reference to a basement, ups the tension doesnt it, even if its not used.

Dont think we needed the drama group & the theatre bit.

I am really glad i watched it. IT was very compelling & well made & Matt Damon brings his A game to it. Its just a very good award season film which has come out at the wrong time of the year so therefore wont actually be considered come next march. Shame. Its well worth a watch people. Some brilliant acting.

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