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You know when I wrote the First Cinema club review that I wasn’t going to try & leave any spoilers… well this ones going to be much much more difficult to do.

Well almost a month on & knowing i at the moment have no other cinema booked up this week (it will change when i know the week afters scheduled) i thought i would see the last jedi again, to confirm some of my theorys & check a couple of things.

God that was a run from my office at half 4 to get to the cinema pick up my tickets & sit down reayd for the film in 15 mins man that was really hard. Did it though, i was the last person to turn up actually. 

Screen 6 i would say was half full which is pretty darn good considering the films been out for a little while, i do though think that half of the cinema were doing the same thing as me though. seeing it again to check some things over while they can.

I saw a trailer for Downsizing, Ready player one & The new Maze runner (again i have catching up to do on that still). & that was it id missed anything before that unfortunately. Like i said it was a rush to get there

If you want to ready my initial thoughts on the film please click on this link here.

It was much funnier than i remember it first time i laughed a lot more, maybe because i knew what was coming. I was more relaxed viewing it & therefore enjoyed the laughs more, knowing what was happening.

Still cried, at that moment. Proper blub this time not just a few silent tears like last time, again knowing the outcome probably made it more emotional.

BB8 needs more kudos he almost steels the show some of his bits are brilliant. Properly laps it up for a droid. I love the fact i now know hes the one that goes i’ve got a bad feeling about this.

1 theory i have is all but confirmed. I still ship that same relationship that i want to happen & i also have a new one which i think will make sense, but everyone else when i tell you when i review it on dvd will go erm no that wrong thats very wrong.

I dont get why some people want it deleted from all of star wars, this is not a Jar Jar moment people. Its changed the shape of the star wars universe & its properly going to go down in episode 9. I still have hope & if you love you princess so should you.

Its better at the second viewing.

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