So the Oscar Nominations are out & i actually dont have to play to much catch up whooop. Out of of the best picture nominees im only missing two & i have Netflix so were going to get the lot done definitely (even if watching the Irishman take 8 sittings to do it in). So therefore what do i go to see this week in the cinema… oh Star Wars is still on lets go easter egg hunting people.
Screen 4 had about 18 maybe 20 people in there for the film. On my way out i followed a dad & his little girl who had her hair like Rey, but was saying that when she older she wont need someone like Kylo in her life. thats one of the cutest things ever. Good on her, good on her dad hehe.
Trailers we had (no surprisingly) No Time To Die, Mulan, Dolittle, Secret Garden & for the first time in a Cinema that i have seen BLACK WIDOW!!!!!!!!!!!! I am so taking my mama to see this. Shes her favourite avenger & Florence is in it & its going to be epic. Ekkkkkkkk
& then the film started…. initial thoughts on The Rise of Skywalker can be found here https://popcornforone.co.uk/cinema-club/cinema-club-star-wars-the-rise-of-skywalker-episode-9/ , but lets look at the bits we may have missed first time shall we… Oh its still bloody good by the way.
So the flash backs at the start that they both have that little 30 seconds when he touches the mask & shes training… It tells you exactly whats going to happen in the rest of the film with all the flashbacks sounds & noises. Im not ruining it for you with this but im 95% sure that it tells you everything you need to know. & i kinda freaked out at it going omg in my favourite chair in screen 4. When i got home i looked to see if others have spotted it & a few agree with me. I am so happy i got that with no help.
We all agree with what Finn wanted to say right. It is definitely the case true. You can tell from episode 7 that this is what is happening, so much so that its his awakening & not Reys. Im not sure about the other ex Storm Troopers if they are too, however one of them is definitely Landos right? or is that just me…
A few more definite camoes & voices to spot in this definitely on a second look. You sit there & go oh i know that voice & look & style but you are then so bombarded with the information or the next bit that you forget who you saw. IT is clever though.
Love that both James Earl Jone & Hayden Christensen’s voices are used as both Siths & Jedis. That is brilliant & i love it & im so glad Hayden did it, especially after all the backlash he got initially.
What ever happened to that kid at the end of The Last Jedi… i thought he was going to be so important to the future of it. Nope big red herring. Also how does Maz get Lukes Lightsaber… this is never explained & is the one thing i really want to know which is unanswered. I need this gap filled in asap please.
Speaking of Lightsabers the end bit, without spoiling it which is going to be hard, is it Bens just cut down? I had a proper look & i think it is, for the ultimate ballance?
I really like the lightspeed jumping that was super cool & fun & proper Star Wars. Especially now we know they can track them, it was stunning.
I didnt cry but i did feel a little more emotional this time. Maybe because now i have seen it once already it does feel like a definite end & that is it with the SkyWalkers & we are getting no more from them. Although after this weeks internet rumors after watching this film, i am so up for a Taika Star Wars Movie. IT will be epic.
So that is it for Star Wars im afraid (until march 31st when we get Disney Plus) its been fun its been epic & its still a bloody brilliant films. Dont believe those tomatoes people.
& you know if you ever feel down please come over to the darkside… we still have cookies.