Christmas is here, i’ve had enough at looking at all my family, they’ve had enough at looking at me so i’m off to do back to back cinemas for the last time this year probably my last 2 cinema trips too. It should give us something to talk about for the next few days at least.
So lets Spies in Disguise it. Look at was on my to watch list at the start of the year & i would really like to complete it peoples. Im not holding much hope if im honest.
10am on a sunday, is probably the weirdest time i have ever been to a cinema. I mean it wasnt even open & couldn’t pick up my tickets until 9:55am. The costa bit was but not the cinema.
Screen 3 i would say was half full, & it was mainly familys. One person’s kids did ask why i was there on my own, i didnt hear what the dad said back to them. But yea i was the odd one.
Trailers we had Onward, Trolls world tour, Secret Garden & Dolittle. I think there was one more but i cant remember what it… Sonic it was sonic joking about the rock being president.
& then the film started… honestly as far as my expectations good it was pretty darn good. Way better than i expected it to be.
Turning Will Smith into a pigeon (not a spoiler it’s on all the posters, adverts & trailer) is a stroke of genius. Seriously that concept is epic & hes the correct level of arrogance in character form & real life for that to work & be believable. It also helps that Tom has just got that sweet voice & is made to look so dependant and & nerdy that the bromance just works & its brilliant casting & Then animating.
There are some amazing references to both there bat catalogues in recent years & this year. Best one is one i cant mention but a close second is, have you ever been to venice… & Toms character just pulls a face. Yes Tom has been to venice in July.
That being said, a hero is only as good as his villain, & for a film like this you need a good baddie… HI BEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
If you need a bad guy hollywood just ask Ben Mendelsohn to do every single role ever please. Even animated & with a bit more aussie in his voice its working. He is epic & some of his smirks you just sit there & go ive seen that look before Ben & theyve somehow managed to animate that. The man always delivers.
Good ensemble cast too, eyes & ear ha.
The heart of the film really is a good life lesson for kid if im honest & if you have a family take them to see the film for this reason. It teaches them its okay to not be stereotypical & be nerdy & odd & weird & just be yourself. That violence doesnt solve anything talking & love & compassion does.
Im not sure why they kept reminding us the evil base was in the North Sea every time it was on screen. You didnt constantly remind us that hq was in washington did you. That got on my nerves a little. Also if someone can find me that rock island in the North Sea 10 popcorn points for you.
Who thought you would need gluten free breadcrumbs & that they would be so key to this film. It completely works though. So does the multi pen, we all need that.
So many cool gadgets actually in this for spys & every day life i think it really is clever the way they turned certain things on its head to prove a point.
Kittens never thought kittens would be so helpful in a spy film ever. Bond youve got to continue this on.
For a film i didnt have high hope for i was pleasantly surprised. It exceeded them & it knew where it cinema it stood. Well done people, i wouldnt be shocked if they made a franchise out of these going forward.